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🏴‍☠️stan pov🏴‍☠️
You start a conversation you can't even finish it, you're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything, when I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed, say something once, why say it again?, Psycho Killer
-psycho killer by the talking heads.

it's been a year since i asked bill to be my boyfriend and i've never ever been happier. one day while georgie was at school i got a call from eddie.

"hey stan!" eddie exclaimed

"hey eddie whats up?" i ask

"guess what!?" eddie says excitedly

"what?" i ask

"me and richie are moving into your cul-de-sac!" eddie exclaims.

"oh my god really!!" i exclaim

"yes we're moving in tomorrow so can you and bill come help us unpack tomorrow?" he asks

"of course i'm so excited see you tomorrow." i say. eddie says bye and i hang up

"bill!" i yell excitedly from the kitchen.

"yes honey." bill says jokingly as he walks into the kitchen.

"eddie and richie are moving into patty's old house!!" i say excitedly

"really?!" bill exclaims

"yes and we're going over to help them unpack tomorrow is that okay sweetie." i joke

"yes sweet pea." bill says as he walks over and gives me a peck in the cheek.

the next day we walked over to richie and eddies house and richie opened the door.

"hey guys!" he said as he pulled us in for a hug.

"hey rich." i say as he invites us in.

eddie makes us some tea and we start unpacking.

while i was unpacking a box labeled "losers" i found old polaroid pictures of everyone.

"guys!" i yelled "come here!"

everyone ran into the room and i showed them the pictures. there was at least 100 pictures. all containing a different memory. there was one of henry bowers getting mad at us, one of a red balloon, one of richie and eddie kissing, and one of me and bill. there was also the poem ben wrote for bev, a red balloon, a sign that says losers club, a board that says loser but with a red v over the s and pictures of all of us on it, love letters richie wrote to eddie and all the derry high yearbooks.

"woah." bill said

"yeah." i say as i start looking through the yearbook.

"hey look richie tozier most likely to become a comedian." eddie said while pointing to a picture of richie.


we had spent the whole day unpacking with richie and eddie and we left their house at about 5:30 then me and bill went to his house.

"i'm so excited for tomorrow." bill squeals

"yeah the block party is gonna be really fun." i said while smiling.

"georgie is at olivias house wanna sleep over?" bill asked

"of course sweetie." i gushed. bill rolled his eyes and gave me a kiss on the four head.

we sat down on his couch i put my arm around his neck and he rested his head on my shoulder and we interviewed our legs. it was pure heaven

a/n: next chapter is probably the last chapter:(

drawing i did of the box sorry it kinda sucks but it took a while to makewords: 544

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drawing i did of the box sorry it kinda sucks but it took a while to make
words: 544

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