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🍄stan pov🍄
I ran over some old lady, one night at the county fair, and I didn't get arrested, because my dad's the mayor, Bitchin' Camaro, bitchin' Camaro, Donuts on your lawn, Bitchin' Camaro, bitchin' Camaro, Tony Orlando and Dawn
- bitchin' camaro by The Dead Milkmen

i wake up that morning with bill in arms i didn't dare move i just wanted to sit like that forever he looked so peaceful, his hair was hanging in front of his eyes and his lips wherever so slightly parted. he honestly has extremely kissable lips. i love him i love him so much i can't even deny it anymore.

"good morning beautiful." bill says hoarsely as his eyes fluttered open.

"good morning sweetie." i say as i gently squish his cheeks.

he blushes and says. "you are too sweet."

"honestly bill you could give me cavities if you really wanted too." i gush

bill places his hand on my cheek and gets closer to me out faces now centimeters apart. i couldn't take it. i gently cupped his face and pressed our lips together it felt as if fireworks where going off inside of my head. i was in heaven. he slowly pulled away and smiled.

"in all these years i never thought i was be able to kiss my childhood crush as an adult." bill said while smiling.

"me neither bill." i laugh.


"mhm." i hum as i wrap my arms around his waist and pull him in for a hug.

"we need to get up for breakfast it's 10:30." he says

"nooo i want to stay like this forever.." i groan.

"i know me too." he says as he places a quick kiss on my cheek.

we slide out of bed and get dressed i wore large platform boots, ripped jeans with patches, drawings, and safety pins on it, teased my hair a little, a sex pistols shirt, a choker with about one inch spikes on it, a leather jacket with patches and pins on it, and fingerless gloves. bill wore, pink checkered vans, a hello kitty purse, high waisted jeans that are cuffed at the bottom, a blue cardigan, a pink choker with a heart on it, and a white shirt that says: "kiss whoever the fuck you want." with a pride flag under it.

"ready?" he asks while gently grabbing my hand. i nod and we walk out the door and into the lobby to meet the others.

"well don't you two look fancy." beverly jokes.

we roll our eyes and ben says. "wait do you guys remember when we caught richie and eddie making out at the clubhouse??"

we all look over at richie and eddie their faces are as red as tomatoes and their looking down at the ground.

"guys were embarrassing them." mike says as he playfully hits bens shoulder. we all talk for a while and then start walking to the clubhouse which surprisingly isn't too far from the hotel. once we get to the clubhouse ben says.

"i actually think the hatch was right here-" he gets cut off by falling into the clubhouse.

we all walk down the dusty ladder and i get a flashback.


"what if your mom was the priest at our wedding ed's." richie says playfully.

"would you shut up and please stop calling me ed's!" eddie wined.

"both of you shut up bens trying to focus." beverly snaps.

"it's ok bev." ben says quietly as he hammers a nail into a pillar.

"sorry molly." richie mumbles as he rolls his eyes.

"i heard that you fucker!" bev yells from across the room.

"here so you don't get spiders in your hair while your down here." i say as i hand a shower cap to richie.

"we're not afraid of fucking spiders stanley." richie says as he looks up from the comic  he's reading all the others have shower caps on and are talking.

"i stand corrected." richie says.

"well that's the first." bev jokes.

i walk over to the couch and sit down.

"hey stuh-stan th-thanks for the shower caps." bill says as he sits down next to me.

"no problem bill." i say as my lips curl into a smile.


"holy shit balls." mike says as he walks down the ladder.

"i know it feels like centuries since we've been here." ben replies while shaking his head.

"you got that right." beverly adds on.

"remember when i got kicked out of my house at like 1 am and we all met here so we could decide where i was going." richie says as he sits down on the couch.

"how could i forget chee," eddie says as he sits next to him. and rests his head on richies shoulder.

"that was a really weird day." bill adds on.

"yeah i agree it didn't feel real." i say as i gently grab his hand.

everyone nods and about an hour later it started raining so we went back to hotel to pack up to leave the next day. i sneak up behind bill while he's packing and snake my arms around his waist, put my face in the crook of his neck and place a small peck on his neck. bill chuckles and turns his head to kiss me on the lips.

"you're so cute billy." i flirt as i pull away from the kiss.

"not as cute as you." he flirts back.

i shake my head and say "i wish."

"you don't have to wish stan." he says as he drops his stuff in his suitcase and turns around to face me.

"yeah i do." i reply

"no you're cuter than me 1000%"

"doubt it."

"well i don't care what you think you're still cuter than me."

bill puts his arms over my neck and lightly kisses me on the cheek. after we finish packing we all meet at richie and eddies hotel room.

a/n: aaaaaaaa i hope your liking this book i'm super excited for the next chapter 🥺❤️

words: 1009

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