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🔪stan pov🔪
I could go off the deep end, I could kill all my best friends, I could follow stylish trends, and God knows I could make amends, but I've got an angry heart, filled with cancers and poppy tarts, if this is how you folks make art it's fucking depressing
-brave as a noun by AJJ

I wake up to the sound of the alarm on my phone going off i check the time 5:30am i groan, get out of bed, get dressed and text bill

me: hey r u ready?
bill❤️: i've never been more ready.
me: meet me outside :)
we get into my car and i play BloodWitch on the car radio.

"i'm so excited oh my god!" bill squeals

"you're so cute when you're excited." i laugh.

bill blushes and looks out the window.

"i never realized how beautiful new orleans is when it's dark outside." bill says while looking out the window.

"yeah it's beautiful but not as beautiful as you" i flirt

"are you high or something?" bill jokes

"no i just like like admiring beautiful people."

"you're so cheesy stan."

"you know you love it though."

"you're right."

soon enough we arrive at the airport, get our bags out of my car, go through security, and wait for our gate to be called. we're sitting in the chairs holding hands and bills head is resting against my shoulder. suddenly i hear a voice,

"AHEM." the voice yells

i look up and see a middle aged woman with dirty blonde short hair, giant sunglasses on her head even though it's dark outside, and holding the hand of a 4 year old boy.

"oh sorry whats up?" i ask politely

"Why are you exposing my son to your sins!!" she yells.

"ma'am he's not even my boyfriend." bill says with a worried look on his face.

"then why are you guys practically having sex in public?!" she yells. this grabs the attention of the people sitting around us.

"ma'am we would appreciate it if you would please leave us-" bill gets cut off by the woman screeching "STOP! STOP! SECURITY!"

a security guard walks over to us and asks "what's the problem ma'am?"


"Ma'am they're not doing anything would you please leave them alone."


"they have their clothes on."


"please leave these gentlemen alone before i escort you off the premises."

"UGH!!" she then stomps off to the other side of the airport to a mcdonald's.

"i'm sorry about that boys have a nice day." he says firmly we thank him and he walks away.

"he was nice." i say while looking down at my phone.

"yeah." bill agrees.

a few minutes later our gate gets called and we walk to our seats. bill sits in the window seat and i sit in the middle seat. no one sat in the aisle seat so i got lucky. the plane takes off and i look over at bill. his knuckles are white from gripping onto the arm rest so tight. his jaw is clenched, and he's shaking.

"are you ok bill?" i ask.

"i-i-i don't know." he admits.

i put the arm rest back, put my arm around his shoulder and he snuggles into my chest.

"is this better?"

"mhm" he hums as we both drift off into sleep.

a/n: sorry this chapter sucksssssss

words: 585

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