Chapter 5

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~A week later ~

Niall had indeed texted me the next morning, just like he said he would. We've been texting all week long. He's now in America, and he's been taking a little longer to reply because he's busy rehearsing for his shows, but he never takes more than an hour to reply. He's so sweet, and flirty as well, his texts have been getting flirtier with every passing day. The conversation just keeps flowing and flowing, we always have something to talk about. He travelled to Nashville last night and today is his first show of the new tour. He's really excited but also really busy. Nashville is one hour ahead, which means that it's 12 pm there.

N: I'm really nervous about the show today.

S: Aww, don't be you'll do great! At what time does the concert start?

N: It starts at 8, so I still have a bit of time to kill. I have soundcheck at 4 though. But now I'm just resting at the hotel. 

S: That's great. I do remember soundchecks start  early. 

Fuck, I screwed up. I still hadn't told Niall that I had gone to one of his shows back when he was still with the band. I didn't want him to think of me like I'm a crazy fan. Sometimes I text back so quickly that I don't have time to think about what I'm writing. 

N: What do you mean you remember? You've ever been to a soundcheck before?

Great, just great Sofia. Now you're gonna have to tell him, there's no way you can avoid it.

S: Yeah, I've been to a soundcheck before, but it was years ago. 

I was being so vague, and this was going to go down one of two ways, he would realize that I didn't want to talk about the subject and drop it, or he'd keep on pressing me to know more. And knowing him, it would be the latter. 

N: That's awesome, you hadn't told me. For which concert did you go to soundcheck?

S: Yours actually. 

It's great that we're texting and not face timing, because it would be embarrassing if he saw just how red my face turned. 

N: What?? Really?? Why didn't you tell me before?

S: Yeah, back in 2012 I think. I went to a One Direction concert and we had soundcheck access and those sort of things. 

S: I don't know why I didn't tell you. I was embarrassed I guess.

Right in that second my phone started ringing. It was Niall wanting to face time, are you kidding me? It's as if I had summoned it. Thank god I had already done my makeup because I was going  to have lunch with my friends, because other wise, I would not have answered him. Yes, even if it was Niall Horan. 

"Hi." I answered embarrassed, you could still see that my cheeks were flushed. I can't believe that this was the first time we were talking 'face to face' and I was this red. 

"Hi Sofia. So explain..." He spoke trailing off at the end, giving me a chance to explain. He looked gorgeous, even if he was laying in his hotel bed, he still looked really handsome. 

"Well..." I began, still a bit nervous. I kept shifting positions, I was in my sofa, but I couldn't find a comfortable position and talking to this gorgeous boy didn't make it any easier. "I went to one of the bands' concerts, from your first tour, in Houston. And my friends and I got the VIP package, so we had access to the soundcheck and a meet and greet as well." I admitted.

"Wait, wait, wait. You had meet and greet as well? So we've already met in person?" He asked incredulously.

"Yes we have. Do you not remember me?" I gasped, acting like I was all choked up that he didn't remember me. "I'm so hurt, how can you not remember me?" I kept my act going. 

"Um, umm... I'm sorry, it was years ago." Niall stuttered as he responded nervously, his face slowly turning pale. Now it was my turn to make him feel bad and embarrassed, well done Sofi. I couldn't help but crack up when he started stuttering, so much for my good acting. 

"I was kidding Niall. Of course you don't remember me. We met for like 15 seconds and it was 8 years ago, if I recall correctly." I said while containing my laughter and I saw the color return to Niall's face as relief washed over him. 

"You scared me there for a second." He admitted.

"I'm sorry. It was such a good opportunity, I couldn't let it slide. But if you must know, I must have caused quite the impression on you because you gave me your guitar pick that night."

"Well, look at you, how could you not?" He spoke, making me blush. Was he flirting with me again? I wasn't imagining things was I? Because this sounded flirty to me. "And I know, you never let an opportunity to make fun of me slide."

"I know, I know. I'm beautiful and perfect." I spoke, responding to the first half of his response in a cocky and pretentious voice, so he'd know I was messing with him. 

"You really are." He spoke under his breath, barely audible. "Umm I talked to my team about some of the ideas you gave me for the shows." He changed the subject. Oh wow, he had talked to his team, I was just messing with him when I gave him the ideas. I told him that he needed to interact more with the audience, being the fan that I am. I told him that maybe he should bring fans on stage and sing to them, or use their phones to record himself, call someone, or have fans choose the next song that he should play,  like other artists do in their own concerts. 

"Oh really? And what did they say?" I asked excitedly. 

"They said that they were great ideas. In each show I'm going to grab someone's phone and record myself and then invite that person on stage to take a picture with me. Then I'll invite some people to be like my back up dancers for one of my songs and there's going to be a part in which the audience will choose the songs that I play, which will be about three." He spoke in his thick Irish accent, he was so cute. The way he said myself, sounded more like meself and it was really adorable.

"Oh my god that's great! I didn't think you'd take my ideas seriously."

"Of course I would, they're great ideas. I'm always looking for new ideas to make my shows better. So thank you."

"No problem. But you missed one of my great ideas, aren't you going to pick someone to go up on stage with you and sing to them? Just like Justin Bieber did with 'One Less Lonely Girl' because if I recall correctly, you were a big JB fan back in the day." He started laughing. 

"I don't know, maybe if I find someone I fancy in the audience I'll invite them up on stage." His tone was serious.

"What?" His reply perplexed me, it wasn't what I was expecting him to respond.

"I'm kidding of course, geez, I'm not that shallow Soph. It's nice to know you think that highly of me." Had he called me Soph, was that like a nickname for me? Gosh, he was killing me with his cuteness. 

"I knew you were kidding, there was no way that you'd be that shallow." I responded. "But you still didn't answer the question, are you going to do it or not?"

"If I find someone in one of my shows worth doing it for, I'll do it. I just don't like it when singers invite someone on stage and sing to them as if they were in love with them and they don't even know them." He admitted.

"Now that's the answer I was expecting from you, that does sound like you."


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? They're now face timing, so there'll be more dialogue instead of texting. Do you see them becoming more than friends? I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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