Chapter 2

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Oh my god! Oh my god! Niall Horan was calling me!! I couldn't believe it, I quickly straightened up in my chair, and tried to position myself so that the natural light from the window hit me. And then I answered it.

"Hello Sofia." Niall said as I accepted to join his IG live with his thick Irish accent. Oh my god, he said my name, I mean of course it's in my instagram handle, but still, so cute.

"Hi, how are you?" I responded, as casually as I could, even though I was dying on the inside.

"I'm really good, how about you?"

"I'm really good as well." Holy shit, I was actually talking to Niall Horan, and there were 23,000 people watching!! Okay Sofia, keep it together. Don't lose your shit in front of Niall and 23,000 other people.

"Great, so where are you from?"

"I'm from Mexico."

"Really? You speak english so fluently, I never would have thought." He told me, making me blush.

"Yeah, thank you." He noticed that I blushed, so he started talking about other things, thank god.

"So what's your favorite song of the new album?"

"I love all of them, but my favorite has to be Black and White, it's simply amazing."

"I'm so glad you liked it, that's one of my favorites as well." He was staring right at me, I couldn't believe it. His eyes were gorgeous and I couldn't stop staring at them through my phone.

"You're going to play it on tour right?"

"Of course, I'm playing all of the songs from the new album and some from my previous one as well."

"That's perfect, just making sure. So, are you excited to start touring?" I asked him, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"Yes, I can't wait. Are you coming to any of my shows?"

"Yeah, to the one in Monterrey, Mexico. You finally decided that we were worthy of your time." I responded playfully.

"That's great. And yeah, sorry about that, it wasn't my decision though." He said as he held up his hands as if to say 'that's not my fault'. "I've never been to Monterrey, can't wait to go there." Duh, of course you've never been here, believe me, I would have known if you were, I thought.

"Don't worry, I know it wasn't your fault. But I'm so glad that you're finally coming here."

"Yeah, so anyways, I have to get going."

"Oh, of course." I responded, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice, if it were up to me, I'd keep talking to him all day.

"It was great meeting you Sofia, can't wait to see you when I go to Monterrey."

"Can't wait either!"

"Bye." He spoke as he waved goodbye at me.

"Bye." I responded back with a smile before he ended the call. Holy shit, holy shit. I just had a conversation with Niall Horan, with thousands of people watching, I mean, it was barely a two minute conversation, but still, oh my god. I couldn't stop shrieking and jumping up and down in my room like a lunatic. I didn't even notice that he had ended the live session after talking to me.

"What happened? Are you okay?" My mom burst into my room and asked with a concerned tone.

"Mom, mom! You won't believe what just happened!"

"What? What is it? Did something bad happen?" Um excuse me mom, can you not hear the excitement in my voice? Am I really that deeply disturbed that you'd think something bad happened and I'm this happy and excited? Geez.

"Niall...Niall Horan just spoke to me!" I finally blurted out.

"The one from One Direction?"

"Yes mom! He was doing a live session on Instagram and he started calling fans through it and started talking to them, and with every person that he talked to my hopes were lower and lower, but then he finally picked me, I seriously can't believe it. Finally something good happens to me!" I continued, barely catching my breath as I spoke.

"Oh my good honey, I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I responded before crashing into my bed, still smiling. I knew that if I stayed up I was only going to continue jumping up and down, so it was better if I was laying down, I didn't want any accidents to happen. 

I was living in a dream. Now I had definitely peaked in life, not only had I met One Direction, now I had talked to Niall freaking Horan. Like an actual conversation. Wow. After I calmed down, which was about 15 minutes later, in case you were wondering, I decided to open Instagram again. Yay! It was still in Niall's profile, so I quickly checked and he had saved the live video, score! Obviously I had to record it, so I screen recorded it and while I was doing it, a bunch of notifications kept appearing on my phone. People were following me! I assumed it was because of the live session with Niall.

I stopped recording about 5 minutes later, because of course I wasn't going to record the whole live on my phone, it was about an hour and a half long, I only recorded the part in which we were talking. I decided to check my notifications and see who had followed me. I got about 50 new followers, so I started scrolling through them. Most of them were fan accounts for Niall and One Direction, the other ones were just random people, who I was guessing were fans as well. Then one of the last names on my notifications called my attention, this had to be a joke right? Someone who had found a way to add the verified logo to their name and was a Niall fan account right? I quickly clicked to see the person's profile, and oh my fucking god, it was really Niall!

Niall had followed me back on Instagram! That's why I was getting a bunch of new followers, not because of the live, or well, maybe because of both. This day just kept getting better and better. Oh my god. I had been waiting for this moment since forever. When I was younger I used to tweet the boys non stop and message them non stop through Instagram as well to get them to notice me, but I was never lucky, until now. I'm never going to say that I'm not lucky ever again, I'm one of the luckiest people ever!

Of course I couldn't concentrate on doing any work after the morning I had just had, so I decided to chill for a while and start working after I ate lunch. Thank god for flexible schedules and being your own boss! Like any normal human being I started scrolling through Instagram, then when I got bored I switched to TikTok and then back to Instagram. My instagram notifications were turned off.  I had turned them off to record my video with Niall because I was getting several new followers, so I didn't notice that I had a new message. I instantly clicked the button to my DM's. I was really excited, I rarely get DM's. I know, I'm such a loser. I literally gasped when they loaded, like a literal gasp, and then I dropped my phone, I was so shocked. Right there, the first message I had was from the man of the hour himself, yes ladies and gentlemen, Niall Horan.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? I know it's a bit unrealistic, but it's a fanfic, so, why not? Do you think Niall will like Sofia? I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

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