Chapter 8

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I can't believe that today is the day I finally get to meet Niall in person. We've continued talking every single day and now that he's on break we've been talking and face timing even more. I travelled to LA 3 days ago to meet up with my trader friends and go to the event. It was so nice meeting up with people who have the same job as me and to learn from them. Plus I got to spend time with my friends who live in the States, which was nice. Today we're checking out of our hotel room and the rest of the girls are heading back home, but not me, I'm heading to Niall's house and I couldn't be more excited.

I woke up really early because I was just so excited and nervous, so I couldn't sleep. I quickly took a shower before Hannah, who was my roommate for the trip, woke up. Then I started doing my makeup. I settled for natural makeup because I didn't want Niall to think that I was trying to hard or something. So no eyeshadow or eyeliner for today, to achieve that 'natural effortless look'. I had bought a specific outfit for today and I couldn't be more content with my selection. It looked girly and cute but without being over the top, it was a pretty yet casual outfit. I put on my black cropped tank top and paired it with the midi black and white skirt I had bought the week before. I added some dainty necklaces, gold earrings and my signature rings. I finished it off with my white sneakers and I was going to use my black LV tote bag. 

Niall had told me to meet him at his place at 12 pm, which was perfect because check out was at 11 and the girls needed to be at the airport by 12 as well. I had told them that I would be staying with a friend here in LA for a couple of days, obviously omitting his name, or the fact that he was a guy for all that maters. I just didn't want them to be teasing me or anything. I had offered to go pick him up from the airport, but he politely declined, stating that he always got mobbed at the airport and he didn't want me to go through that. And honestly I'm glad he declined, because I hadn't thought this through, I had offered him a ride home and I didn't even have a car, how stupid am I?

Hannah woke up soon after I was done getting ready.

"Uuuh, who are you all dressed up for?" She teased.

"This outfit?" I said pointing to my clothes. "I just saw that it was going to be really hot today and decided to wear a skirt."

"Sure, okay." Hannah replied, not totally satisfied with my answer. But who cares? I had more important things on my mind, like the fact that I was going to meet Niall in less than two hours.

As soon as she finished getting ready we both headed to have breakfast and meet with Katie and Maddie. Then we went back to our rooms to finish packing and check out. We said our goodbyes at the hotel, the three of them were headed to the airport together, but I was taking a different cab to take me to Niall's place.
"It was great seeing you guys!" I told them as we were waiting for their cab.

"I know, I'd missed you all so much." Katie said.

"We have to talk more often." Maddie stated.

"Yes!" Han exclaimed. "Let's agree to have weekly Zoom sessions, so that we can catch up!"

"That sounds perfect!" Maddie replied enthusiastically.

"So everyone agrees? We can decide on a fixed day and hour each week." Hannah continued.

"Yes." The three of us spoke in unison.

"It's settled then!"

We saw their cab pull up, we hugged each other and said our final goodbyes. And before I knew it, I watched their cab leave. A few minutes later my cab pulled up and I was on my way to see Niall. Ten minutes into the ride I got a text from him.

N: Just got home. Can't wait to see you!

S: Can't wait to see you either. I'll be there in 15 according to waze.

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