Chapter 50

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

Niall has already been here in Monterrey for two weeks already, time's flying by. We've spent every possible minute together, either at his hotel, my house or going out. We usually go out at odd hours to avoid running into people. We'll go either for a very early or very late lunch, and same goes for dinner. That way the restaurants are almost empty. We've only had 2 fan encounters, and both girls were quite nice and agreed to not post the pictures they took with Niall until the concert date was closer. I've taken Niall to all of my favorites places and to the 'must see' places here in Monterrey, which aren't a lot. He particularly liked the grottos, that are an hour away and he also enjoyed ice skating with me. Thankfully our ice skating date didn't end like Harry's in the Night Changes music video. Vic's boyfriend Josh is coming to our city for the weekend so the four of us are going out tonight, kind of like a double date. 

"At what time are we supposed to get to the restaurant?" Niall asked me as we laid in the hotel's bed watching tv.

"We need to be there at 9:30." I responded.

"Great." He smiled at me before turning his attention back to the show we were watching. 

When the episode ended Niall suddenly spoke. "Hey babe, how would you feel about coming with me for New Years?" And I was clearly taken aback. 

"Really? Of course, where to?" I inquired. I would love to spend New Years with him, it would be amazing. But I wasn't sure if my parents would let me go, they always like to spend every holiday with us.

"We'll I'm headed home for Christmas and then heading back to London to celebrate New Years Eve with my mates. So maybe you could come and spend a couple of days with me in London and then we could go back to visit my family. My mom's been nagging me about meeting you for quite a long time."

"Oh my god, I would love to Nialler." I jumped up and down in bed excitedly. 

"Great, 'cause I already asked your parents for permission and they said yes."

"Really? Are you serious?" I nearly yelled, since I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Yeah, I'm serious petal." Niall laughed at me before I lunged myself to his lips and started to kiss him. I loved him. 

A few hours later it was time to go to the restaurant with Vic and Josh. It was a very fancy restaurant and it was one of my favorites. I had made a reservation for the four of us and the restaurant had private little rooms that could fit only the table, it was for added privacy, so I reserved one of those. 

"Bitch, you're here." I heard Vic call as the hostess took us to one of the private rooms, before she ran towards me to hug me.

"Hi! Haven't seen you in forever!" I exclaimed as I hugged her back. We hadn't seen each other since Niall had gotten here, which was like a week. And for us, that was more like a year.

"I know." She answered as she smacked my arm before proceeding to say hi to Niall. "Niall, how are you?" She inquired and I took that time to say hello to Josh.

"Hi Josh, how you've been?"

"Pretty good, thanks. You?"

"Me too." I told him as we all took our seats. 

"So how long are you staying here Josh?" Niall asked him.

"'Till before Christmas, my folks want me to go back home to spend Christmas with them and Vic's coming over to spend New Years with us."

"That's great! You hadn't told me." I reprimanded Vic. 

"Sorry, we've just decided it." She apologized.

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