Chapter 66

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

We're heading back to London today. Niall and I had a really great time in Ireland, he took me to lots of different places and all of them were absolutely breathtaking. The day after I met his parents and we went out with his friends, we returned to his mom's house and I got to meet Greg and Theo. Theo's adorable, I still remember when he was born, obviously I didn't tell Niall's parents nor Greg that, since it was beyond creepy. But I remember that back in the day, when I'd track each of the boys' and their families moves, I would always see pictures of Theo and basically saw him grow up through photos and videos. He was just as adorable and cute in person as he was in the photos, and he's grown up quite a bit. In my mind I still pictured him as a 2 year old, and he's already 7 years old! The following days we spent driving all around Ireland, and one of those days his mom and Chris tagged along with us. We visited a lot of emblematic places, including the Cliffs of Moher, Galway,  Killarney National Park, The Rock of Cashel and drove along the scenic route of County Kerry. 

Niall changed our tickets so that we could depart on the last flight to London today, that way we'd have time to spend in Dublin, since I had never been to Ireland before and you can't go to Ireland and not see Dublin. 

"Where are we going to first?" I asked Niall during our drive to Dublin.

"First I'm taking you to the Dublin Castle, it's not as impressive as the Rock of Cashel, but it's still a must."

"Oh, I love castles!" I exclaimed, and I truly did. They're always amazing and I love to see how people lived back in the day.

"I know babe." Niall chuckled. "Then we're going to a distillery and the Trinity College Library."

"Two very different places."

"Yeah, but they're both a must."

"And then?" 

"Then we'll see St. Patrick's Cathedral and finally a quick stop at the Guinness Storehouse, since it's kind of a staple."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Yes petal." Niall smiled at me and turned to look at me with utter adoration in his eyes. I loved how he looked at me, he made me feel so loved even though he had thousands of girls swooning at his feet. 

After finishing with our Dublin sightseeing, we were pretty tired as we made our way to the airport. We made it just in time, we were able to see all of the things we wanted to see without a rush and still get to the airport by 8 pm, since our flight left at 10:30 pm. 

"Hope it isn't too crowded." I spoke as we entered the airport premises.

"I don't think it'll be, given the time. Everybody usually flies in the morning." Niall told me, he knew how nervous I got when traveling with him, since we were still keeping our relationship a secret, for now at least. He was trying to calm me down, and I really appreciated it.

"You're right." I voiced, trying to convince myself. 

After we dropped off the rental car and gathered all of our belongings, we hopped on the bus that took us to the airport entrance. Niall and I were the only ones in the bus, so I took that as a good sign. Maybe the airport would be kind of empty like Nialler had assured me, but oh boy, was I wrong. As soon as we were dropped off I saw how crowded the airport was. It was as if we were arriving at a One Direction concert, no joke, that's how crowded it was. There was no way people weren't going to recognize Niall.

"Shit." I heard Niall mutter under his breath as soon as he saw all the people.

"Thought you said it wouldn't be crowded." I laughed, trying to mask my nervousness with laugher, just like I always do.

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