Chapter 41

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

After Sofia and I got ready we went to the hallway to meet the rest of the boys and their girlfriends.

"Hi everyone!" Sofia exclaimed as soon as she saw all of them and they all proceeded to go and hug her and Harry introduced her to Camila, his girlfriend.

"Thanks mate. It was a great surprise." I told Harry as I hugged him too. I couldn't believe he had done this for me, he was a truly great friend.

"No problem Niall." He responded. "Now, let's get going. The vans are waiting downstairs." Harry ordered as we all followed. I intwined my hand with Soph's, I couldn't be away from her, I had become so dependent of her and wanted to cherish every moment we had together. She looked smoking hot, she decided to wear a tight black dress that accentuated her hourglass figure and showed off her defined legs. And she was wearing heels too, with made the outfit 100x hotter.

"You look amazing babe." I whispered in her ear while we walked down the hallway. I could see her cheeks turn pink as she blushed.

"Thank you Nialler. You clean up pretty good as well." She winked at me. We all made our way down the underground garage where the vans were waiting for us. I just hope that there won't be a lot of paparazzi. If word gets out that we're all together and went out partying it'll get out of control, since this is the band's first public outing since we went on hiatus.

A half an hour later the vans pulled up to the Club, it looked pretty great, the backdoor at least. We didn't want to cause a scene so we opted to enter through the back and avoid any paparazzis. The place was full, and the ambiance looked pretty sick, Harry had chosen well.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Soph exclaimed under her breath so that only I could hear her.

"I know, I know." Was all I answered as we followed the rest of the group to a more secluded area, which I presume is the VIP area.

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I had never been a party girl, so when we got to the Club, I had no idea what to expect. I had only been to clubs a couple of times and they were all in my hometown, which isn't particularly known for it's party life. The place looked unbelievable, it looked right out of a movie scene. I tried to stay as close to Niall as I could as we made our way to the VIP area since this place was enormous and I could easily get lost.

"Let's all do a round of shots!" Louis hollered as soon as we got there, and a minute later a waitress came with shots for everyone.

"To the band!" Harry exclaimed as we all raised our glasses before chugging the warm throat burning liquid. Pretty soon all of the boys were plastered, and so were Eleanor and Maya. Gigi, Camila and I took our time with our drinks, so we were happy, but not plastered like the rest of the group. Some of us had to stay kind of sober to make sure everyone got back to the hotel safe.

"Let's go dance." Niall slurred into my ear as he tried to drag me to the dance floor.

"Are you sure you're able to dance?" I questioned as I looked straight into his bloodshot eyes, he was clearly intoxicated.

"Yes I am. And I want to show everyone how hot my girlfriend is. Come on." He stated before he started planting sloppy kisses all through my neck, making me cave.

"Fine, let's go. But only a few songs."

"Thank you babe." Niall responded before pecking my lips, even with his lips closed I could still taste the tequila. He dragged me to the dance floor and we were joined by Liam and Maya, as well as Louis and Eleanor. The rest of the band stayed back, I'm pretty sure some of them were too drunk to even dance. Niall started grabbing me by my waist and getting me as close to him as he could while we danced. Or well, let me rephrase, as he attempted to dance. The whole scene was pretty hilarious. Liam and Maya could barely stand up straight as they tried to sway to the rhythm of the music and Louis had his arms draped around Eleanor, to keep his balance while they both danced. Eleanor just kept looking at me and we kept laughing at them, the whole scene was comical. Pretty soon I saw people started to realize the boys were here, since the dance floor wasn't in the private VIP area and they started snapping pics. I tried to hide my face as best as I could as I tried to convince Niall to go back to the VIP area.

"Please baby, everyone's taking pictures."

"Come on, no one's looking at us." Niall whined, he clearly hadn't looked around. I had seen at least 10 flashes go off in the last minute.

"Yes they are Niall. Let's go."

"No, please. Just one more song." He pleaded with puppy eyes, and even in the intoxicated state he was in, they still had the same effect over me.

"Fine, one more song and then we go back."

"Thank you." He told me as he continued dancing. A minute later I suddenly felt his lips press against mine. Shit, shit, shit. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. Even with my eyes closed I could still sense that flashes were going off. And all I could do during those moments was pray the photos would come out blurry or that you couldn't recognize my face. Niall knew I wanted to keep our relationship private for a little longer, and it's not like I could push him away, that would just make people talk about our kiss even more. He finally pulled back after 5 seconds and I just stood there frozen.

"Niall, what if they took pictures of us?" I hissed at him.

"Oh come on baby. If they did it won't be too bad, everyone will get to see how beautiful my girlfriend is." He responded, slurring his words and just then the song ended.

"The song ended. Let's go back." Was all I answered. And Niall sensed that I wasn't comfortable so he didn't complain and just followed me as we made our way to the rest of the group. We stayed in the club for two more hours, and thankfully the intoxicated ones had sobered up a bit.

"The vans are outside." Harry announced after he checked his phone.

"Let's go." Niall told me as he took my hand in his and we made our way to the back entrance. Liam and Maya were in the lead and as soon as they opened the door they were greeted with a thousand flashes going off and paparazzis screaming their names. "Shit." I heard Niall curse under his breath.

"What are we going to do?" I panicked as I squeezed his hand.

"Don't worry babe. Just keep your head down. I'll guide you. And don't answer any questions."

"Okay, okay." I responded, still scared as fuck. I had never been in a situation like this.

"Are you ready?" He asked as we approached the door.

"Yes." I answered, even though I wasn't ready. As soon as we stepped outside I kept my head down as Niall had instructed, but it was still so hard to walk. Everyone was shoving us, and the security guards were doing their best to keep them away from us, but they were just so pushy. I heard everyone screaming, among the things they screamed I heard 'Niall, Niall.' 'Are you drunk?''Who is the girl?'

Those were the most terrifying seconds of my life, and I hate how time just slows down when you're in shitty situations. It felt as if we were there for several minutes and the vans were kilometers away when in fact they were ten steps away. As soon as we were secured inside the van I realized my hands were shaking.

"Are you okay babe?" Niall asked me, and he must have seen how shaken I was. It wasn't so much the fact that people were taking pictures of me without my consent, what shocked me the most was how rude they all were and how they pushed everyone just to try to get the perfect picture. They were intruding our personal space and I didn't like that a lot.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit shocked." I reassured Niall.

"I'm sorry about that. We didn't know there would be so many paparazzis."

"It's okay." I responded quietly as Niall kissed my forehead, making all of my worries go away. As long as Niall was by my side, I could endure anything, he made me strong.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? I've seen several comments wondering if Camila is Camila Cabello and no she isn't. I just wasn't paying attention when choosing names and that's the one I chose. But she'll be a normal non famous girl 😂😂😂😂 I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

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