Chapter 60

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~December 31~

*Niall's P.O.V.*

"Where's the party again?" Soph inquired as soon as she got out of the shower and made her way to the room in her towel.

"Tape London." I replied as I eyed her. "Come here."

"Niall..." She started speaking as she made her way towards me. "We're gonna be late." 

"I don't care." I started kissing her before she could object any further.

"Okay, now we're really going to be late." Soph muttered an hour later as we both laid in bed, my arms wrapped around her.

"It's only 8 pm." I eyed the clock.

"Aren't we supposed to be there at 9:30?" She gasped as she quickly got up from the bed.

"Babe relax." I tried to calm her, I could hear her frantically moving around in the bathroom, probably trying to find her makeup.

"Niall, I still have to do my hair and makeup, and get dressed."

"You look amazing just like that petal."

"No I don't." She stuck her head out the door.

"Yes you do." I stated as I got up. "Why don't I help you then?"



"Well, can you help me dry my hair as I start doing my makeup, that would save me a lot of time."

"Of course." I reached for the blow drier, this was something I was capable of doing. I've been using a hair dryer to style my hair since forever. Thank god she asked me to help her dry her hair and not to do her makeup, that would have been a disaster.

"Thank you baby." She smiled at me as I started drying her hair while she carried on applying on her makeup. I loved observing her while she did her makeup, she made a lot of face while doing so, and it was adorable. "Why are you staring?" She suddenly asked, looking into my eyes through the mirror.

"The faces you make are really cute." I saw her cheeks turn red as she blushed.

"I can't concentrate with you staring at me."

"You look adorable, sorry for staring. I'll try to not do it."

"Okay, I appreciate it." She carried on.

We were ready in time, we left the flat at 9:15, which gave us plenty of time to get to the club.

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

Niall and I decided to take a cab to the club, since we were both going to be drinking, and it was safer if we didn't have a car. I kept rearranging my dress since it kept riding up. It was a bit short, but it was stunning, I had to wear it. It was a long sleeved high neck silver and white sequined dress. The sequins were rectangular and arranged in ways that helped snatch your waist and show of your curves, and it was backless which gave it that sexy edge and made up for the high neck. It showed off skin, but not too much, so to sum it up, it was perfection in a dress.

"Why are you so fidgety?" Niall asked me after the 3rd time I accidentally nudged him in the ribs while rearranging the dress.

"I'm not. I'm fixing my dress, it keeps riding up." I explained, and my answer seem to appease Niall, since he didn't comment anymore about me being fidgety for the rest of the drive.

"We're here." The cab driver announced as the Tape came into view. It was so crowded.

"Can you go around the back please?" Niall requested when he saw the mayhem in the front door.

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