Chapter 15

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I stood there in shock, was he being serious? Or was he joking? He liked me too? Really? 

"Niall..." I started talking as soon as he finished his amazing speech, but no words came out of my mouth. I was speechless, still in shock from what he'd just told me. I just stood there my hands in his, smiling at him while staring at his gorgeous blue eyes, trying to regain my composure and reply. "I really really like you too, like a lot. Ever since we first started talking, I knew that you were different from all of the guys I've ever talked to, you always listened to me, payed attention to whatever I was saying, however big or small it was, you're so caring, and when you say you'll do something, you actually do it. From that first day we started messaging each other and then you told me that you'd text me tomorrow and you actually did, I knew that I could always count on you and that you'd always be there for me. And to be honest, I've been dying to tell you that I like you as well, I just didn't know if you felt the same way about me." I finally blurted out, still a bit nervous and my hands a bit shaky. 

"Really? Oh thank god!" Niall sighed in relief and cracked a smile. "So, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He cheekily asks as he steps even closer to me. His hands are now trained on my hips, our faces inches apart and his breath brushes my lips.

"I'd love nothing more." I responded before he finally closed the gap between our faces and hungrily crashed his lips into mine. His kiss sent a bolt of electricity all through my body, and I just couldn't stop thinking about how I was finally kissing the man I've been dreaming about kissing for so long, my Nialler. And as if on cue, the fireworks started, it actually felt like we were in a movie scene, it was all so surreal. Niall and I were finally kissing, and not only kissing, we were now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. We broke apart from our kiss but our foreheads still touching.

"You don't know how happy you just made me." Niall smiled as he looked into my eyes.

"You don't know how happy you've just made ME." I responded back before crashing my lips back into his. The kiss was slow at first and then gradually started to get more intense. His mouth increased the rhythm of the kiss with every second that passed. Kissing here, on the rooftop with a fireworks show as our backdrop surrounded by candles and string lights, I felt like the whole world around us had vanished and no one else existed but us. I wanted to take a mental picture of this moment, it was just perfect, more than I've could have ever imagined. 

We broke apart from our kiss and I just couldn't wipe the smile off my face. We both turned to look at the fireworks and then Niall hugged me from behind, resting his face on my shoulder. 

"I can't believe that I now get to call you my girlfriend." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. And then he places a soft kiss on my cheek. Oh my god, he was perfect. I couldn't believe that he was my boyfriend, this really seemed like something out of a movie, not like something that could happen to a normal person.

"Me neither. Never in a million years would I have imagined that you actually liked me back." I responded as I wrapped my arms around his, making his hug tighter.

"Why wouldn't I like you? You're gorgeous and the nicest person I have ever met. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. So I guess I'm pretty damn lucky to have met you, you've made my life so much better Soph."

"Oh stop it, you're making me blush." I responded embarrassed as I tried to hide my now red cheeks from him. "If anyone is lucky here, it's me. You're the most down to earth person I've ever met, not forgetting just how handsome and nice you are." 

"Oh stop it, now you're making me blush." He laughed. "We'll then I guess we're both pretty lucky to have found each other."

"Yes we are." I responded before turning around and kissing him again, I just couldn't help it, he's so hot, and he's finally mine.

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