Chapter 56

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~December 21~

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

Niall and I had a great time in Guadalajara and in Mexico City. Yesterday was Niall's concert in Mexico City and with that he concluded the tour. It was absolutely amazing and I couldn't be more proud of him. He did have to invite two girls on stage to sing to them, and I know I asked him to do it, but I still didn't like it in the slightest. Both of my TikTok videos are up and they blew up. From what I read in the comments, everyone seemed to believe me when I told them he kissed my cheek, thank god. Obviously Niall didn't kiss the other two girls he sang to on stage, but he did give them flowers to each of them. 

"Can't believe the tour is over." Niall exhaled as we lounged in yet another VIP lounge at the airport. Seems like we've been living out of cases and packing up and taking off a lot lately. 

"I know, me neither. Seems like it was yesterday when you called me all nervous before your first concert."

"I remember that! It seems like ages ago!"

"Yes! But now you'll finally get to rest."

"Not for long though." He replied.


"The boys and I have a few interviews scheduled at the beginning of the year, to start promoting the new album and tour. Management decided to take advantage of the fact that we would all be in London for the Holidays."

"Oh I didn't know." I answered. 

"Yeah, I just found out today actually. Harry texted us. But don't worry petal, they've scheduled them all for the same day. So our holiday together won't be ruined." Niall smiled at me.

"That's good to hear. I can't wait to be there."

"It'll be amazing, you'll see. We already got invited to an awesome New Years Eve party."

"Really?" I asked incredulous. The last party he had taken me too was amazing and I met a lot of celebrities.

"Yeah." Niall chuckled. "Then we'll go to Ireland for the weekend so you can meet my family, then it's back to London for promo and we can spend the rest of the other three weeks however you want." My parents had let me stay for a month with Niall. I don't even know how Niall convinced them, because this was all him to be honest. I was just informed of the trip, I didn't have to ask for permission or anything, they arranged it all by themselves. Niall must've caused quite the impression on them for them to let me stay with him for a month. But in all honesty, who wouldn't like Niall? he was the nicest down to earth person, the most adorable guy I've ever met and lets not forget how good looking he is.

"I still can't believe you managed to convince my parents to let me stay for a whole month."

"I didn't think they would let you, to be honest. But I'm sure glad they did."

"Me too."

"Flight 4769 to Monterrey now boarding." We heard through the speakers. The dreaded moment was finally here, I hated goodbyes. Niall was taking a flight from Mexico City to London and from there he was going to Ireland and I was taking a direct flight to Monterrey to spend Christmas with my family.

"I think it's time to go." I told Niall as I gathered my belongings.

"At least we'll get to see each other in a week." Niall tried to cheer me up when he saw my frown.

"Yes, the silver lining. I still hate saying goodbye though."

"Me too." Niall spoke as he embraced me. Even if we would see each other again in less than a week, I held him as tight as I could, not wanting to let go of the embrace. "I love you." Niall whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I was now accustomed to that familiar sensation, ever since the day we met, whenever he speaks to me this close, he sends shivers down my spine.

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