Chapter 9

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We held onto each other for a minute straight before breaking our embrace. I still couldn't believe I was finally face to face with Niall after spending countless hours texting and face timing.

"So how was your flight?" I asked him as he helped me carry my luggage inside, being the gentleman that he is.

"It was quite tiring, you would've thought that by now I'd be accustomed to such long flights, but I'm not."

"I know, long flights are the worst." I replied, as I followed him.

"Well, why don't I give you a tour of the house first?" He asked as he dropped my bag in the living room.

"Yes, that would be perfect." Niall started walking and I made sure to follow close by. His house was gorgeous, everything was impeccable and looked straight out of a design magazine.

"So this is the living room, as you can already see." He chuckled as he spoke. He continued walking. "Here we have the kitchen, feel free to grab anything you'd like, mi casa es su casa."

"Oh, I see you've been learning Spanish." I playfully spoke.

"Of course, if you speak Spanish then I want to learn to speak it too. Otherwise you'll say mean things about me in Spanish and I won't be able to understand anything." He nudged me, letting me know it was a joke. As soon as his arm touched mine, I felt a bolt of electricity jolt through all my body. And by the look in his eyes and the way his cheeks turned a light shade of pink, I knew he felt it too.

"Hey! That's not true. You know I'd never say bad things about you." I pretended to look offended, but I failed in hiding my smile and that gave it away.

"I know, I know. I was just messing with you." He grinned. He motioned for me to follow him. "Over here we have the dining room and the formal living room, for dinners and stuff. I rarely use it." It looked amazing, I was in awe, everything was perfect.

"Wow this looks amazing." I spoke as I continued to admire my surroundings.

"Thank you, thank you. I didn't chose it meself, but I'll gladly take the credit for it." I just loved the way he said myself, it was so cute.

"I know you didn't chose it yourself. But props to your decorator, they did an amazing job."

"Yes, he really did. Well, come on, we still have more house to see." Niall spoke as he walked back towards the front of the house and then to the other 'wing' of the house. "Here's the gym, it's a bit small but it's equipped." He told me as he opened the door to show me before moving on. "And here is my music room." He opened the door to another room. This room was great, the walls were padded, to make it soundproof, and he had a piano, several guitars, microphones, a computer to record with all of its gadgets and add ons and even drums.

"This room is great, I would never leave this room if I were you."

"Yeah, I use this room a lot." He laughed. "It's one of my favorites actually. Now come on, I'll show you the backyard and then upstairs." and then out of the blue, he took my hand, sending again shock waves all through my body. If he continued doing this, he was going to kill me. He led me all the way to the backyard, our fingers still interlocked, and of course I didn't want to let go. With his free hand he opened one of the sliding doors that opened to the backyard. The pool was gigantic and there was also a lush green area and a covered lanai with patio furniture. This looked like a great place to throw parties.

"I've bet you've thrown a lot of parties in this backyard."

"Not really." He admitted as he turned to look at me. "I mean, I do invite friends over to lounge by the pool and have small pool parties, but I've never thrown a big party. I don't like having a lot of people knowing where I live."

"Well, now that you say it like that, I guess it makes sense. I wouldn't want a lot of people to know where I lived either."

"Yeah, you never know who might tell the press or fans."

"I totally get it. So why did you trust me and tell me your address? I could have tweeted it or something."

"I knew you wouldn't Soph. You're different and I trust you completely." He stated as he stared right into my eyes. God, this man was killing me.

"Aww thank you." I smiled right back at him and squeezed his hand lightly. I watched him lower his gaze and caught him staring at our interlocking hands.

"Let me show you your room." He cleared his throat before he spoke looking up before he lead me inside and up the stairs. "Here's the family room, where I just watch tv and chill. Then here's 2 guest bedrooms." He spoke as he pointed to two closed doors. Before heading in the other direction. " This is my bedroom." He pointed towards a door that was slightly opened, but I couldn't see inside. And then he took me into the room that was next to that one. "And this is your room." He finally let go of my hand and opened his in a 'ta-da' kind of way.

"It's perfect." I spoke as I walked around the room, noticing that it had an ensuite bathroom and everything. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here." I embraced him, which kind of startled him in the beginning, but he immediately returned my hug.

"No problem at all. You're welcome here anytime." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine for the third time in less than 10 minutes.

I could stay like this forever, I swear, but then, being the eater that I am, my stomach had to make the loudest growl it could in that very moment. Niall started laughing as we broke out of the hug.

"Well, someone's hungry." He continued chuckling.

"Yeah, sorry." I responded embarrassed.

"Don't be, in this house we love to eat. And by we I mean meself." He smiled as he led me into the kitchen. "Would you prefer that we cook something or should we order?" He asked me.

"Why don't we cook something for lunch and then we can order something for dinner. I'll bet you'll be even more tired in the evening to even think about cook something."

"Sounds like a plan. And you're right, I'm actually pretty tired." He spoke, followed by a yawn.

"Aww my Nialler is tired. Why don't you go rest and I'll cook us something for lunch? It's the least I can do after you've invited me to stay here." I said as I ushered him out of the kitchen and basically threw him to the sofa.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Niall whispered under his breath.

"Well you're pretty damn lucky, just be grateful." I winked at him. And I bet he didn't intend for me to listen to his previous sentence because he blushed really hard, obviously embarrassed. "And I'm pretty lucky as well to have you in my life." I finished as I messed with his hair. Before he could say anything else I started heading back to the kitchen. "Now rest, I'll let you know when lunch is ready. I'll find my way around the kitchen so don't worry."

"Yes ma'am." Niall spoke as he saluted me, which made us both laugh. And with that I headed back to the kitchen to make some lunch.

Author's Note:

Hey there guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? I've been trying to upload at least a chapter each day! I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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