Chapter 30

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

I was so excited for the show, just knowing that Soph was going to be in the crowd and that we were back together made me so happy. As I walked out I could hear the crowd erupting in screams, making me smile, everyone was here to see me. That always made me feel really good, knowing that I had so many people that supported me. I opened with Cross your Mind, to get the crowd hyped up before I moved on to the slower songs.

"Hello Houston, how are ya?" I asked as I finished singing, and of course everyone burst out screaming again. I saw Soph in the crowd, she was front row dead center, just like in soundcheck. So I went back there and waved, just a little wave, but of course, everyone in that area noticed and started screaming my name, trying to catch my attention. But I was only focused on one girl only, my girl. I saw her laugh at the response of the other girls and then wave back at me. Gosh, I was totally smitten by this girl.

I played a couple more songs, from both of my albums, and now it was nearing the end of the concert. All throughout it I kept debating with myself whether I should tell her that I love her or not. I don't know why but I ultimately decided that telling her with a song in the middle of the concert was the best idea to let her know that I love her. I know, I don't have the best ideas, but my thought process was: I can tell her with the song and if she answers back then I'll be really happy, if she doesn't I can just act like it was part of the song. And that made perfect sense in my mind.

One of her favorite songs, Still, was up next, and that's the song I decided to use to say those 3 little words. I winked at her at the beginning of the song, since I knew she liked it. I kept on singing and walking all around the stage, making sure everyone in the audience felt included. As the song was nearing the end, I headed Soph's way, everyone quickly shot their hands up, wanting me to hold them, and Soph did too. So I crouched down and took her hand in mine, the whole world around us disappearing. I could only focus on her and the moment we were sharing, staring longingly into each others' eyes. I decided to shoot my shot.

"But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest
If honesty means telling you the truth
Well I'm still in love with you" And as I sang 'I'm still in love with you' I squeezed her hand, letting her know that I meant it. Her smile was replaced by a confused look, she was obviously not expecting that from me.

"What?" She asked perplexed.

"I love you." I spoke into the microphone, as the song was ending. Which made it look like I added those words to finish the song. I was still holding her hand and looking straight at her, she knew the words were meant for her.

"I love you too." She spoke as I sheepishly grinned at her. I was so glad she finally knew how I felt, I wanted to stop the show and kiss her right there, but I couldn't do that obviously. I just smiled at her one last time and then got back up to continue the show.

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

"What the fuck was that?" Victoria asked me as soon as Niall stood up and carried on with the next song. "And don't you dare say nothing, I have it on camera. It's more than obvious that you know each other, this wasn't just a coincidence and you being a lucky as fuck fan." She continued before I could open my mouth. Shit. It was time to tell her, I couldn't deny it any longer.

"It's Niall." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked exasperated.

"It's Niall, the guy I've been talking to is Niall." I articulated as best as I could in a low voice so no one could hear us.

"You're shitting me right?" She raised an eyebrow, she obviously didn't believe me.

"No, I'm not." I looked at her with a serious face. And then burst out laughing as realization hit her.

"Oh my fucking god, no way! Bitch, why didn't you tell me sooner?" She smacked my arm repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We were trying to keep it a secret." I continued explaining. I could see Niall turning to look our way every few seconds, obviously knowing what was going on.

"So what? You haven't been just talking right?"

"No. We're dating."

"You bitch, I can't believe you didn't tell me. I'm so mad at you, yet I'm also proud of you for snatching a hottie." God, only a best friend can be mad at you and proud of you at the same time.

"I know, I swear I wanted to tell you a million times. I'm really sorry. But Niall says he's eager to meet you. And asked if we could go backstage after the show."

"Really? That would be amazing, thank you!" She hugged me. "And don't think I didn't notice you said that on purpose so I could forgive you." Classic Vic.

"I knew you would notice. And again, I'm sorry for keeping it from you."

"It's okay. But I want all of the details later. Every single one, how you met, when, where, all of it."

"Of course, I'll tell you everything."

"Deal, but for now, let's just enjoy the concert you BOYFRIEND is giving." She put extra emphasis on the boyfriend part.

"Shh, people will hear you." I responded nervously, not wanting people to hear her.

"Oh please, shut up. Every girl here refers to Niall as her boyfriend even if he isn't." And she was right, that how I always used to call him, even since before he was my actual boyfriend.

"You're right. You're right." I chuckled as we continued enjoying the concert.

"Wait, so you weren't actually talking on the phone for an hour right? You motherfucker, you were backstage getting it on with him weren't you?" She suddenly asked me about 10 minutes later. I just laughed, confirming that I had actually been backstage with him 'fixing our problems', by kissing that is. "Bitch." She smacked me again.

"Sorry." I mouthed as I continued laughing. "But at least you'll get to meet him after the show."

"Ah yes, the silver lining."


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! How are you enjoying the story so far? So Victoria finally found out! Good thing she wasn't as mad as Sofia thought she would be. Sorry for the short chapter, I promise next one will be longer. I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you're obsessed with 1D make sure to check my TikTok account, I upload daily vids of the boys, it's @cristylealr

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