Chapter 53

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

It's almost time for the concert, I'm really excited but I'm also nervous. The fact that Sofia's out there in the crowd getting ready to watch me makes me anxious but happy at the same time, I have mixed feelings. I remember how nervous me and the boys would get when our families would come to watch our shows, and this moment feels exactly like that, but amplified, since it's my girl the one that's out there. And I have a little surprise planned for her, I remember back when we first started talking, she gave me suggestions for the shows so that I could interact with the crowd even more. And I took all of her suggestions, except for one, since I told her I didn't feel comfortable doing those kinds of things. I didn't want to bring someone up on stage and sing to them as if they were the love of my life when they weren't. But tonight, since the love of my life will be in the audience, I'll bring her up stage and sing a song to her. I hope she likes my surprise, and I figured it would be a great way to make our 6 month anniversary even more memorable. 

"5 minutes 'till showtime." Preston hollered from outside of my dressing room. 

"Okay." I hollered back. I started getting giddy, so I called the only person who I knew could calm me. The opening act had already ended it's performance so she would be talk, I just needed to hear her voice one last time before going up on stage.

"Everything okay babe?" She answered confused.

"Yeah, just needed to hear your voice." I responded. 

"Aww, you're so sweet." And just hearing her speak, calmed me down. She made all of my nervousness vanish with just her mere voice.

"Thank you. Just hearing you speak calmed me down."

"You're going to do great baby." She whispered into the phone. So no one around her could hear her I pressume.

"Thank you."

"2 minutes Niall." Preston pounded on my door.

"Coming, coming." I answered him. "I've got to go petal, see you out there."

"Yeah, can't wait. You're gonna have a great show. I love you!" Soph replied in a hushed voice tone again.

"Thanks love. I love you too, bye."

"Bye." As soon as we hung up I hurried over to the side of the stage, where Preston was waiting impatiently for me, tapping his foot and being all dramatic.

"Took you long enough." He told me as soon as he set his sight on me.

"Sorry, but I'm here already." I apologized as Mike, my technician, put on my mic and made sure it was working correctly.

"All set." He said a few seconds later.

"Good luck Niall." Preston smiled at me before I walked to the stage.

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I love the adrenaline that rushes through your body those few seconds before an artist comes on stage. I'll never get over that awesome feeling, it makes me feel alive. And knowing that Niall was the one that would come up on stage, amplified the feeling. I looked at the screen an chanted with the rest of the crowd, as we all counted down

"10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1!" Everyone erupted into screams as Niall appeared on stage. He looked as dashing as always. The first few chords started playing and I instantly recognized Cross Your Mind, a few seconds later he started sining it, and the crowd sang along with him.

"Hello Monterrey! It's nice to finally be here! How are ya?" Niall asked as soon as he finished singing the song. And once again the crowd erupted into cheers. I had my eyes glued on Niall and I bet he could sense that since he turned to look my way and smiled at me. Of course everyone around me started screaming even louder, while Vic and Valen laughed, since they knew the smile was directed towards me. 

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