Chapter 38

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~September 29~

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

Today is Harry's concert here in Monterrey, I haven't seen him in ages. We've been talking quite a bit over text and we made plans to see each other while he's here. We were supposed to meet up yesterday when he got here, but his plane got delayed and he didn't get here until late at night. So we decided to leave it for today. It's already 11 a.m. and I've just gotten out of the shower after working out. I decided to Facetime Niall while I did my makeup

"Hey petal. How are you?" A cheerful Niall greeted me.

"I'm really good, how about you?"

"Me too. So did you and Harry meet up last night?" He inquired because obviously I told him that I would be hanging out with Harry while he was in town. I didn't want him to get mad like last time.

"No, his plane got delayed. But I'm meeting up for lunch with him today. And then I'm surprising Valentina and Victoria and taking them to see him, for soundcheck, pics and Harry even got us front row seats. They're going to be stoked."

"Really?" Niall smiled. "That's great Soph. You have to record their reactions, especially Valentina. She's obsessed with Harry. She always finds a way to ask me about him when we've talked or when you and I are talking and she walks into your room and says hi to me."

"I know, I know. I can't wait. They're going to be thrilled. I've already warned Harry, and he says it's okay. But that's just because he hasn't met her." I spoke, making Niall laugh.

"Don't worry. He's used to it. And I bet Valentina will try to keep her composure."

"I sure hope she will. And hey, maybe Harry and I can Facetime you, so that we can all speak." I told Niall. To reassure him that I loved him and I didn't want to try anything with Harry, that Harry and I were just good friends.

"Sure baby. I'd love that. I haven't spoken to Harry in about 2 weeks, which is a lot for us. I mean we've talked in the group chat, but we haven't Facetimed in a while."

"I know. I take all of your spare time away." I chuckled.

" I love talking to you every possible minute." He told me, making me blush. Even from afar, he still had that effect over me.

"I do too baby."

Niall and I talked for a while longer until it was time for him to go to an interview, and I had to go get Harry. His hotel was about 3 minutes away from my house, which was perfect. The hotel was one of the fanciest ones in the city and it was one of my favorites. I had only been to the bar and restaurant, but they were amazing. I went into the underground parking and then made my way up to the lobby. I could see a lot of girls outside of the hotel waiting to catch a glimpse of Harry. He was nowhere in sight so I decided to call him, before security mistook me for one of his fans and escorted me out. I mean don't get me wrong, I was obviously a fan, but I was his friend too. And I was here as his friend, not s fan.

"Hey Harry. I'm already here in the lobby." I explained to him as soon as he answered.

"Perfect. I'm just heading to the elevator."

"Great. See you in a minute."

"Yeah, bye Soph." He had also chosen to give me that nickname, after hearing Niall calling me that a couple of times.


A minute later I saw Harry emerging from the elevators. It was a good thing that you couldn't see the elevators from the front doors or the fans would've gone crazy. I made my way back to the elevators and hugged Harry as soon as I saw him.

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