Chapter 73

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

I woke up to find myself with Niall's arms wrapped around me. I couldn't help but smile to myself, I loved waking up like this. I felt Niall started to stir and a few seconds later he opened his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Morning." He uttered in his morning raspy voice.

"Morning baby." I replied, with the smile still plastered on my face. Niall let out a yawn, he was clearly still sleepy, and who could blame him? He had a very busy day yesterday. "Do you want to sleep some more?"

"Yes." He closed his eyes as he spoke. "At least for a bit longer."

"Sure Nialler." I kissed his forehead before getting out of bed. I decided to go and get some breakfast to Starbucks, since it's right around the corner. So I headed to the bathroom and changed into some sweats and applied on a little makeup, to try to make it seem as if I hadn't just rolled out of bed. I managed to make myself look presentable before heading out the door. It took me less than 3 minutes to get to Starbucks, and the place was jam packed. I headed to the end of the line and took out my phone, to have something to distract me with while the line moved. I was so absorbed by the video I was watching, so when someone tapped on my shoulder I literally jumped. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." A girl a few years younger than me spoke.

"It's okay. Sorry, I was just focused on the video." I replied, recovering from the scare.

"Can I take a picture with you?" She asked, confusing the hell out of me.

"A picture with me?" I asked, still confused as fuck. Why did she want a picture with me? It's not like I was famous or anything.

"Aren't you Sofia? Niall's girlfriend?" And that's when I remembered all that had happened yesterday. So that's why she was asking to have her picture taken with me.

"Oh, yeah. I am." I smiled at her.

"So can we get a picture?"

"Sure, of course!" I exclaimed as she took a selfie with me. 

"Thank you so so much."

"No problem."

"I have been following your TikTok account for a while and I've always loved the content you posted, thank you for sharing so much content of the boys. I had always wondered how you got those videos, and then yesterday when someone finally connected all of the dots and found all of your socials, it clicked. I also wanted to tell you that Niall and you make a really cute couple and that I love that you're a fan." She finished. I hadn't expected any of this, she was being really nice and it was lovely.

"Aw thank you so much. Glad you liked the videos I posted of the boys, they've been obsessing over them and sending me lots of content, except for Louis, he's reluctant and stands by what he says: he hates TikTok. But Eleanor sends me videos of him so jokes on him. And thank you so much for saying so many sweet things, you're so nice."

"Yeah, I figured Louis still hated TikTok, he's the only one that doesn't have an account. And no problem, I meant what I said. You guys are so cute together and there are lots of people who agree with me."

"Thank you so much. It means a lot to me."

"Next." I heard the cashier speak, it was now my turn to get my order.

"It was so nice to meet you." I told her before I started walking to place my order.

"You too!" She smiled back.

"Hi good morning. Could I get a hot chocolate and a Caramel Macchiato. Both with regular milk and foam."

"Sure thing. Anything else?" The cashier asked me as he scribbled away my order in the cups. 

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