Chapter 40

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~October 29~

*Sofia's P.O.V.*

Niall and I have been talking everyday and this is officially the longest time we've been apart. Almost a month and a half apart, and he thinks it'll be longer until we see each other, but I'm going to surprise him in New York. All of the boys and their girlfriends are going to Harry's Halloween concert tomorrow. Niall invited me but I told him I couldn't go because my mom told me I was traveling too much and that I needed to be home more. She did tell me that, but obviously she didn't stop me from going to New York. She knew how much I missed Niall and let me go, with the condition that when he comes to Monterrey he gets to spend time with my family so that they get to know him. As I was finishing packing up my suitcase, my phone started ringing

"Hi Soph how are you?" Harry's voice echoed through my phone.

"Really excited for the trip! And you?"

"Me too! Can't wait to see you, and I can't wait to see Niall's reaction. He's been complaining all week about the fact that everyone is going to have their girlfriends here except him." Harry laughed. And as of last month, none of the boys were single. Harry had met a girl about two months ago in New York and he had officially asked her to be his girlfriend a few weeks ago. So obviously she was coming and I was really excited to meet her, Harry hasn't stopped gushing about her.

"Oh my poor baby. I hope he likes the surprise!"

"He will. Don't worry."

"Great, and Camila will be there right? I can't wait to meet her!" Harry's girlfriend's name was Camila.

"Yeah, she's here with me already. We got here two days ago. Can't wait for the two of you to meet, you'll love her."

"I bet I will."

"At what time does your plane land?"

"It gets there at 6:30 pm."

"Perfect. I'll send you a car so that it can bring you back to the hotel so you can surprise Niall before we head out. We're all going partying tonight."

"Thank you so much Harry. See you soon."

"Bye Soph. See you in a while."


As soon as Harry and I hung up, I got a Facetime call from Niall. I quickly hid my suitcase and made sure none of my traveling essentials were visible, so Niall wouldn't suspect anything.

"Hi baby." I answered in a cheerful tone. I missed him like crazy, I couldn't wait to be in his arms again in a few hours.

"Hi petal. How's your morning been?"

"Pretty busy. I had to work really early. How was yours?" I lied. I had been busy, but packing, since I always pack at the last minute.

"Bummer. Mine was tiring, I just landed in New York an hour ago and now I'm headed to the hotel."

"That's great babe, say hi to the boys for me."

"Will do. It sucks that your mom didn't let you come. I'll be the only one without a girlfriend." Niall complained as he pouted.

"I know, I know. I really wanted to go." I felt bad for lying to him, but I was even more excited to surprise him.

"You know this has been the longest since we've seen each other?"

"Yes, a month and a half. Believe me, I'm counting."

"Me too. And after Harry's concert I'm headed to Europe. So another 3 weeks without seeing each other, since I'm going home to Ireland for a week after I'm done with the European leg of the tour."

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