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chapter one
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          IN BLATANT HONESTY, according to Stephen Curry, Lena LaBelle was the most outrageously annoying girl on the planet

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IN BLATANT HONESTY, according to Stephen Curry, Lena LaBelle was the most outrageously annoying girl on the planet. He was even convinced that his own parents loved Lena more than him. In the eyes of Sonya and Dell Curry, Lena was an angelic young girl who was far more responsible than their children. This often led to Lena watching over the Curry children, despite being years younger than their oldest son.

She kept them in order, and that was all that mattered to their parents. The LaBelle family and Curry family were so close with each other, you would regularly find the adults of both families having lunch on one house's porch as the children played on the front lawn.

Given these circumstances, Lena's presence was reoccurring in Stephen's daily life, and he despised this.

Lena wasn't typically mean. She treated Seth and Sydel with ultimate kindness, however when it came to Stephen, she showed no mercy. Strings of rude remarks and a sprinkle of swear words were always exchanged whenever the two would meet. Somehow, they would always find reasons to create an argument between themselves. It was tiring for everyone around them to watch.

The constant bickering would continue all through their younger years, and would resume when the Curry family came back to North Carolina after Dell's stint with the Raptors. Friends of Stephen's would repeatedly question his motives behind his regular arguing with a certain freshman girl in lunch lines and in the hall.

Their age difference at the time seemed so gigantic, that Stephen would always refer to her as the "annoying adopted baby sister" whenever he would get questions about her. Which wasn't as bad, compared to what Lena would refer to him as: A pedophile. Her comments would later get Stephen in actual trouble, damaging what little relationship they had, even more.

Some would say they had simple crushes on each other, expressing their feelings through playful fighting. Others would say it's just a phase, they'll get over it. The only correct answer was pure hatred. No sugar coating, just hate.

When Stephen finally left for college and eventually got drafted into the NBA, he wouldn't hear from Lena any longer. Of course their families had stayed close, but he wasn't obligated to have contact with them. He was in the clear, for now.

Approaching his ninth year as a Golden State Warrior, he had certainly forgotten about the girl who had played such a fundamental role in making his childhood exhausting.

Until that Summer, however, when all hell broke loose for Stephen Curry.

Marriage was always a possibility for Ayesha and Stephen. They were so blindly in love, everyone had thought they were made for each other. Ayesha had been deemed as the perfect wife for Stephen, and he wasn't complaining. He loved her to the ends of the earth. Sometimes it felt too good to be true.

Which, of course, it was.

He had always wondered what Ayesha would be up to whenever he was on road trips. Stephen would occasionally call her to check in, and she'd always respond with "I'm going out with the girls" or something along the lines of "I'm filming for my TV show!"

Being the trusting fiancé that he is, Steph would take her word for it. This would prove to be a mistake.

Coming home from the gym, late one night, Stephen Curry quietly entered his mansion and tiptoed to his and Ayesha's room, in attempts to to not wake her. He knew she had a busy day, and he wanted her to be rested for the next.

What he heard from their room wasn't the sounds of soft snoring, more like a woman and a man having conversation. From the moment he heard the man's voice, he could already tell that his fiancée was cheating on him.

Catching the two off guard, Steph opened the door to a half-naked cameraman, in the midst of pulling on his pants. Ayesha sat on top of the bed.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding." Steph murmurs, more so to himself. Directing his attention to the man, he points to the door. "Out."

Cowering, the cameraman grabs his shirt and scurries down the stairs like a mouse. Steph waits until he hears the front door shut before he begins to talk to Ayesha.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He says loudly, out of anger.

"Steph... hear me out." She pleads.

"No. I don't know how long this has been going on. Can you leave my house?" He says. "Give me back the ring, too."

"Steph, you can't just do that! We've been through so much and you're willing to give up on our relationship now?" Ayesha cries. "I'm not leaving until we figure this out."

"This is my house, Ayesha. Please, just leave already." He repeats, holding out his palm for the ring.

"No. You don't understand. You're always gone, and we never spend time with each other. Our schedules are so conflicting... I hardly see you." She says through tears. "I love you Stephen, but you know that if you were in my position, you would do this too..."

"I wouldn't, because I love you."

"Steph, I love you."

"That's not love. Get out of my house." He says, louder this time. "I meant it. Please, just go."

More tears fall down the woman's face. She rips the engagement ring off her finger, throwing it across the room and shattering a vase. "Happy?" She asks, sarcastically.

Ayesha goes through her closet, coming out with clothes and her handbag. "Fuck you." She says to Stephen as she exits the room that, minutes prior, belonged to them.

He follows her downstairs and waits in front of a window to make sure she doesn't destroy his car. As she pulls out of the driveway, without any harm to his vehicles, Stephen runs back upstairs to survey the damage done.

"What the fuck just happened?"

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter :) this is like my third Steph book bc I hated where the other two were going & how I originally wrote them. Both were beyond repair, so I made this one.

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