(𝟎𝟑) 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐒.

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chapter three
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           "CONNOR! HE'S COMING!" Lena complains in frustration

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"CONNOR! HE'S COMING!" Lena complains in frustration. "He dumped Ayesha or something. The wedding's off!" She lets out an unidentifiable noise- likely a groan. Her brother looks at her like she's a lunatic. "You're such a drama queen, should take up acting, you live in Los Angeles, right?"

"Stop! I'm not joking!" She says with annoyance. "You don't know how much I wished I would never see his stupid little face after he got drafted. I've had a streak going for almost ten years, and it ends tomorrow night?"

"I don't see what's wrong with Steph. He's like an older brother to me." Connor remarks, as he opens a can of Coke. "He'd always play ball with me."

"Just because he was nice to you, doesn't mean he was nice to me! You weren't there in the hallways." Lena shoots back. "He's so Goddamn annoying, I can't stand it!"

"Relax, people can change, Lena. Blowing things out of proportion, again." He says to her. "You need to stop doing this sometimes, causing you more stress. The situation's not even that serious."

Lena narrows her eyes, her point obviously going over her brother's head. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm going to drive over to Gemma's new place with dad" She grabs her purse from it's spot on the kitchen counter. "Come with?"

"Mom wants me to come grocery shopping with her." He says, with a little wave. "Have fun!"

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

STEPHEN CURRY ARRIVES in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the first time since December of last year. It's nice to be home. Sometimes the hustle and bustle of his daily life could get too much, and he was sure as hell glad to see his family again.

Although he should be used to it by now, being a celebrity was overwhelming, exhausting. All he needed was a trip back to Charlotte, and so he was granted one. Quite unexpectedly, too.

He had called his mother the afternoon post-incident. With this, she had invited him back home for a reunion with the LaBelle family. Stephen certainly had a special place in his heart for the LaBelles. Connor being one of his greatest friends as he was growing up, and the twins were always a joy to have around.

Then, there was Lena. The annoyingly stubborn and smart-mouthed girl. He could only pray that she had changed her ways. The last time he had seen her- nine years ago- those qualities still stood. She was incredibly obnoxious, and Stephen despised that.

From the Charlotte Douglas airport, Stephen called an Uber to bring him to his own childhood home. He felt like a little kid, in the back seat of the car, watching the scenery before him pass by. Before he knew it, the driver was turning onto his street, and the image of his parents' house rolled into view.

𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now