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chapter thirteen
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          IF LENA KNEW what the day had in store for her, she would've stayed in bed

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IF LENA KNEW what the day had in store for her, she would've stayed in bed.

Her morning started off normal enough. A week into her job, she wasn't hating it like she thought she would. After she taught Steph how to make spaghetti, they worked on curry as suggested. It didn't turn out bad, pretty good, actually.

She had to schedule a few meetings today, but nothing extreme, yet. This wasn't her first rodeo, Lena was used to this. So, what could've gone wrong? Probably everything.

When it happened, she was sitting behind Steph's desk in his office, on the phone with someone from Under Armour.

"Yes, we were wondering if Stephen could have August tenth?" She asks, politely. "He has a camp on the eighth." A pen rests in her hand, ready to start scribbling down notes on her notepad.

"We have ten in the morning free, is that alright?" The lady on the phone asks her. She waits expectantly for Lena's answer.

Lena flips through a planner on her right. "That will work, thank you. I'll mention it to Stephen." She responds.

"Alright, have a good day, ma'am." Says the Under Armour lady, hanging up the phone. Lena breathes a sigh of relief and quickly scribbles in "Under Armour- 10 am" into the planner.

Now she had to confirm a shoot, quickly dialling a number jotted down on a post-it note, she clears her throat and prepares herself to speak.

"Hi, it's Lena Love on behalf of Stephen Curry, we'd like to confirm a date for his upcoming photo shoot?" She speaks into the phone.

As the man on the other end talks, Lena nods to herself and writes down the details. While she does this, she just so happens to notice her phone dinging erratically.

"Sorry, I didn't pick up what you just stated?" Lena says, turning her ringer off. "My bad."

"It's fine. You said August eleventh at noon?" The man repeats.

"Yes, that's correct." Lena replies, now curious about what sort of notifications she was receiving.

She exchanges a few more important words over the phone before hanging up and immediately unlocking her own phone.

It's Elaisa.

She reads each of her messages one by one, becoming increasingly more frazzled as she went on. Oh, she realized her own stupidity in those moments.

𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now