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chapter ten
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          SO MUCH CAN happen in a few weeks, and Lena LaBelle's situation can prove that

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SO MUCH CAN happen in a few weeks, and Lena LaBelle's situation can prove that. If she was told that she would be dropping everything and moving to San Francisco only a month ago, she would've thought that idea was insane. Lena was bent on spending the rest of her life in Los Angeles, she thought she had everything she needed.

It took her some time to adjust to her new surroundings, but by the first week of her moving in, she's already accustomed herself to the area. She knows where the grocery stores are, the doctor's office, the mall, and of course, where the best coffee is.

It's a small café down the street from her apartment building. Lena likes to go down there every-so often to grab a drink. It was only a matter of time before she had to go to work.

Graciously enough, Stephen had given her a week to quote get herself together before she could start. She took this opportunity happily, and made the best of it. Lena was prepared, so today, she and Steph were meeting up, at the coffee place.

He complained quite a lot, going over the fact that she had chosen to live over twenty minutes away from him. Lena argued this. In her defence, it wasn't like she had this whole ordeal planned out from the start. It was sprung upon her, and his apartment happened to be convenient.

Once he texted his arrival, Lena hurried out of her building and raced down the sidewalk, attempting to avoid pedestrians and the occasional pigeon along the way.

The Coffee Bar was what this place was called. Sleek and modern interior, with the addition of good coffee made this place so likeable to Lena. She opened the door and spotted Steph sitting in a corner table, his cap pulled over his face like a spy.

Lena walks over to him, crouching to be in his field of vision. "Someone doesn't want to be recognized." She states. He looks up from his phone in surprise. "Sit down."

Instead of him starting the conversation, Lena does. "So tell me, Stephen, what exactly are you so busy with in the off-season? I'm sure quite a lot." She sarcastically remarks.

"Oh, shut up, LaBelle. I can see why Miley fired you." He retorts to her. Lena's face fakes hurt. "I was only joking."

"Permission to speak?" Steph asks.


"Well, not much. It is August, so media day is approaching, that'll be something to worry about. Other than that, mostly helping me with my meetings and shoe shit." Steph gives her a rundown of her job. "Making calls, oh, event planning."

𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now