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chapter eight
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

          "STEPH, THE MOVERS won't care about what you're wearing

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"STEPH, THE MOVERS won't care about what you're wearing. Suck it up and get ready to lift." Lena scolds him. She's already prepared for the day ahead of her. Grey cotton shorts, an over-sized black t-shirt were perfect for the tasks she had to complete. She tightens her ponytail and downs the rest of her juice box. "Don't even think about changing that shirt again. You only brought two, deal with it."

There's a knock at Lena's door and Stephen scowls. "I didn't know you were such a baby in the mornings." The brunette in front of him says before she goes to answer the door. "Drama king. You're so good at acting up. I remember having to deal with your tantrums at five. If I was that young, and can still remember them, they must be bad." She huffs.

When Lena opens her door to the movers, she quickly plasters a pearly smile for them. "Hi, we're ready-" She begins, cut off by Steph bumping into her, half-dressed with a black shirt draped over his shoulder. "Hey, nice to meet you guys." He greets the movers.

Suddenly her day has turned into a meeting of the Steph Curry fanboy club. The three men at her door have become starstruck. "Hi, Steph." The tallest, bearded, one speaks up. "I'm a big fan, do you think I could get a video of you and I? Also, can you say hi to Carla?" He asks.

Lena backs away behind her door and scowls at Steph. He takes no notice and lets the man take the video. "Hi, Carla! It's Steph Curry." He waves at the camera.

Throwing her hands up in defeat, Lena retreats back into her apartment to organize boxes and furniture. She hoped that the rest of the day wouldn't go like this.

For the most part, it didn't. For a good fifteen minutes, he conversed with the movers before eventually stating that there was a job at hand. They simply scattered, Lena didn't know it was that easy.

An hour into it, Lena and Steph are to bring a significantly large box down the elevator. As they wait to go down to the first floor, the basketball player makes conversation.

"I have to admit, you aren't looking too bad today." He says.

"I'm not here to listen to your flattery." Lena retorts.

"You're fired." Steph says, grabbing her attention. "I'm telling your mom." The brunette replies, coolly.

"I'm kidding."

"You're only kidding because I threatened you." Lena smiles. The elevator doors open and she backs out of it slowly. Steph shrugs. "Partly."

The final box, the bearded man who had asked Steph for the video loads it into the truck. He waves goodbye to Lena and Steph once everything is set, and then off it goes into the distance.

"Can I say goodbye one last time?" Lena looks at Steph, pleadingly. He sighs, nods, and she makes a run for it to the elevator.

She reaches her apartment and unlocks it for the last time. Walking through the empty rooms, she gets to her old bedroom when she spots a fallen picture.

It's a Polaroid, must've came off her wall when Lena was taking her photos down. She picks it up, it's a picture of her and Auston. Smiling to herself, she slips it into her pocket.

One last check to make sure she hasn't forgotten anything. She locks the door and heads back down the elevator, where she's greeted by some of her friends who came to say goodbye. Steph stands, leaning on the hood of his car awkwardly. Lena's has already made it's way to San Francisco. It'll be dropped off at Steph's driveway.

After numerous heartfelt hugs and a few tears, Lena is on the road, a backpack of clothing and essentials on her lap. She sits shotgun in Steph's car. Six hours to be spent with him, she's going to have one long nap.

However, she's not tired yet. Lena turns on the radio and opens her window slightly, watching the cars pass by outside her window. She already misses LA. Taking out the polaroid in
her pocket, she sighs, longing for home.

Steph glances at her in concern, catching sight of the photo in her hand. "That's your boyfriend?"


"Why didn't he help you move instead of me?" He asks her. Lena sits up in surprise. "It's really none of your business." She says, rather defensively.

"Calm down, it was just an honest question." He chuckles nervously. "I just find it suspicious."

"He was on a work trip." She replies.

"Uh-huh. A work trip. That's what they always say." Steph says. Lena glares at him. "Are you trying to tell me he's cheating on me?"

"I have first-hand experience with cheaters."

"Doesn't give you a right to make assumptions about my relationship." Lena defends herself. Steph blows a low whistle. "Alright, but tell me this. Did he text you goodbye?"


"I said, did he text you goodbye, or good luck, something acknowledging your move?"

"Duh." She lies, suddenly feeling a little hurt. "Of course he did." She says quietly.

"Good, if he didn't, then there's a high chance he's up to some weird shit, you get me?" Steph relaxes a little bit, quickly turning to look at the girl beside him. She nods "Yeah, I know what you mean."

"Well, I'm glad we can agree on one thing."

Lena pulls a thin-lipped smile. "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when we get to my place. Day's not over, yet." She yawns. They still have to bring everything into her new apartment.

"You should've sold your furniture." Steph grumbles.

"That's another thing we can agree on."

She closes her eyes, feigning sleep. In reality, she spends the next thirty minutes, eyes shut, thinking about what Steph said about Auston. He hadn't texted her one thing about her departure, maybe he didn't care about her at all.

Their memories said otherwise, but he hadn't been acting the same. What if he was a cheater?

She hated the idea of Steph being right.

Author's noteanotha chapter!! also I'm v happy the last dance is gonna be on netflix😻something to watch while in quarantine

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Author's note
anotha chapter!! also I'm v happy the last dance is gonna be on netflix😻
something to watch while in quarantine

(this chapter was finished three hours after ep 1 & 2 were released so)

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