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chapter four
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          LENA STARES INTO the mirror for quite some time, deciding on wearing a jean jacket and the tank top she had on, with a pair of patterned shorts

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LENA STARES INTO the mirror for quite some time, deciding on wearing a jean jacket and the tank top she had on, with a pair of patterned shorts. This LaBelle was doing the absolute most that night. Sure, the Curry family had most certainly seen her at her worst, but she still wanted to look presentable for them.

"Lena, quickly, they're coming over now!" Don LaBelle, her father, calls up the stairs. "No need to dress up, hun. It's only the Currys"

"I know, I know." Lena mutters loudly, mostly to herself. "Coming down!" She's the last sibling to come downstairs, and definitely the most over-dressed sibling. Lacey looks at her in confusion. "Did you really put that much makeup on to see the Currys?" She asks in disbelief. "Gosh, I didn't even try to look nice." Lacey was wearing athletic shorts and one of Connor's old t-shirts.

"A girl can't feel pretty?" Lena retorts to her younger sister. Lacey grumbles. "So-orry, I was just saying..." She's cut off by Harley's calls from the backyard. "Guys, they're here!" He shouts, just audible enough for Lena and Lacey to hear. They must have entered through the gate.

Lacey jumps and slips on her flip-flops, speed walking to the backyard door. Lena knows how exciting this is for Lacey, seeing Steph especially. She's always been starstruck by him, even though he's such a close friend to her family.

Lena doesn't care to rush, slipping on her own sandals with leisure before following her sister out.

Conversation was easy to make, and avoiding her childhood arch-nemesis wasn't as hard as Lena originally imagined. The only rule she had to follow was to never approach the boys while they were in basketball discussion. Upon doing so, Lena would most likely become dragged into their conversation, and would have to be awkwardly included for the rest of the night. Sticking with the ladies was the more appealing decision at the moment. Under other circumstances, she would've loved to converse about basketball, but tonight, that was not going to be an easy task.

"Lena! Your mom said something about you getting fired, is that true?" Sonya asks her, snapping her out of the daze she was currently in. "Huh?" She musters. All of the ladies were sitting around a smaller table.

Gemma bursts into laughter. "You can tell that she's been listening to the conversation the entire time" She remarks sarcastically.

Sonya chuckles and clears her throat, attempting to repeat her statement. "Your mom said you got fired by Miley Cyrus?" Lena gulps and nods. "That's good" She continues. "Because I have an offer for you!" The older woman claps her hands and smiles, but then leans into whisper something. "Stephen needs help and he won't admit it. We got him to start searching for a personal assistant, which could definitely take a little bit of workload off of him, help him cope with this situation first."

𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now