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chapter seven
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         "I HAVE A buyer!" Lena exclaims to her mother on the phone

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"I HAVE A buyer!" Lena exclaims to her mother on the phone. "All the boring sh- stuff is done. It's just a matter of me moving over to the new place. Steph's coming by tonight, he'll drive me over tomorrow." She tells her.

"Be safe. Don't forget to pack anything." Casey LaBelle says. "Also, not that you asked, or anything, but Harley wants you to know his sister is driving him insane. Come home soon."

Lena giggles. "Lacey will get better."

"Anyways, your dad's calling me. Love you, hun." Her mother says. "Love you, miss you!" Lena says, then hangs up.

It's already evening, and Lena's pretty much done packing her belongings. This called for a much needed break, so before Elaisa's flight, they have one final dinner date.

"Catch. Let's go to Catch." Lena says when Elaisa drops by her house to pick her up. "It's pricey, but it's probably the last time we'll get to hang out for a while."

"I'll pay." She adds in. Elaisa thinks about her offer for a few seconds, and agrees. "Bet."

Oh, how Lena is going to miss her best friend. Two years of last minute girls nights and dinners are coming to a close. It's a new chapter for Lena LaBelle, and no matter how much she's looking forward to it, she's never going to be able to replace times like these.

"Miss chatterbox has retired from talking?" Elaisa pokes at Lena. Dazed, she comes back to her senses. "I've just been thinking."

"Well, I'm sure there's a lot on your mind right now. Just enjoy tonight. Forget about the stressful shit for now." Elaisa says, quite chipper. She's always been an optimist.

Lena tries to forget, but this proves unsuccessful when her eyes start to fill with tears in the middle of her pasta dinner.

"I promise you, you can cry as much as you want, as loud as you want, in the car, Lenny." Elaisa begins. "But when a Jenner sibling is five tables behind us, it's not a good idea." She says, peeking over her shoulder and simultaneously stroking Lena's arm.

"Our last dinner." Lena whimpers quietly. Elaisa dismisses her thought. "Certainly not our last." She reassures her friend. "I'll always be a phone call away. You need me, I'm here."

Lena gulps and cranes her neck to catch a glimpse of Kendall Jenner. "Do you think Kendall would take a picture with me if I were to tell her I'm leaving LA to work for Steph Curry?" She wonders aloud.

"It wouldn't hurt to try. Who cares if she turns you down?" Elaisa says.

Lena doesn't get her picture, and receives the embarrassment of disapproval from the famous girl. It doesn't phase her, though. At least she was able to talk to Kendall. Her and Elaisa laugh about this once she returns back to her seat.

"I'll miss celebrity sighting with you." Elaisa sighs. "Remember when we ran into Millie Bobby Brown?Absolutely scared the shit out of her." Lena giggles. "I still feel bad, total accident."

"You realize you're going to be spending almost every day with one of the biggest names in sports, right?" Elaisa says. Lena shrugs. "It's only Steph. He doesn't seem so godly when you've known him since you were in diapers."

"Just have fun with this job, okay? It's a big opportunity and you're doing what's best for you. I'll miss you, but just know I support you."

"I don't know how many times I need to say this, I'm going to miss you so much, Lai."

It's safe to say the car ride back to Lena's apartment was an emotional one. Everything she did with Elaisa was bound to be their last for a while. Lena didn't hesitate to point this out.

Once she and her best friend did their elaborate farewells, Lena now had to wait for Steph to arrive. She's prepared him an air mattress in her living room, already having one in her own room for herself.

She moves around boxes furniture in an attempt to make her place look presentable. As she's in the act, someone knocks on her door three times. Lena sighs, she knows who it is.

"You've made it. Thank God." She exclaims, sarcastically. "I was worried sick."

Stephen Curry walks through her door, looking disheveled. "Traffic was hell. Where do I sleep?" He asks, scanning her apartment. "You gave me somewhere to sleep, right?"

"Wow. No hi Lena! For me? First thing you ask is where you're going to crash?"

"Yes. Now tell me where I'm going to crash."

"On that air mattress." She points to the corner of her living room near a few boxes. It's a small mattress with a few blankets and a pillow on top. "Before you complain, it's not any better than mine. So keep that to yourself."

"Thanks, I guess." Steph takes off his shoes and makes a beeline to the mattress.

"Movers are coming tomorrow at eight. Please be up by then? There's some granola bars and juice boxes for breakfast. Sorry. I was on short notice."

"It's fine." Stephen grumbles, obviously implying that the small amount of breakfast was indeed not fine.

Lena continues. "We should be done packing up in a few hours. I just need to say a couple goodbyes to friends, so they'll be here for a little bit before we go."

"That's alright. So everything's planned?" He confirms, resting back on his makeshift bed.

"Everything's planned." She repeats. "Just make sure you're capable enough to lift a few boxes or so. Also another requirement is to buy me breakfast, I hope you can afford that."

"Gosh. I don't know if I can." Stephen replies, sleepily. He pulls a blanket over his head. "Lena, go to bed. It's late now."

"Goodnight, Steph."


AUTHOR'S NOTESI'm happy with the book

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I'm happy with the book. That's a good sign.

𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now