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chapter fifteen
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

          IT'S A HORRIFYING sight, waking up with a hangover in the back of a car, half naked

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IT'S A HORRIFYING sight, waking up with a hangover in the back of a car, half naked. Especially when you're half naked with your boss.

Boss. Lena hated that, but it wasn't exactly incorrect.

She attempted to make a fuss, but was panicked, search for her shirt and jacket she was wearing the night before. Steph groans, waking up with his head on the seat, the rest of his body sitting on the floor.

It takes him a moment to register the scene before him. "Can we back track?" He speaks up, causing Lena to jump and hit her head on the front seat.

"I don't know what happened either." She admits.

"This is something I wouldn't expect." Steph says, awkwardly. Lena nods her head, reaching her arm under the passenger's seat to locate her shirt. "Can you put clothes on?" She asks Steph.

"Have you seen yourself?"

"I lost mine, dumbass. Now please, I feel a little un-comfy." She admits.

"Aren't we all?" He mutters, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head. "Let's not speak of this again, okay?" She proposes to him, much to Steph's relief. Agreeing, he nods. "Our relationship is strictly professional."

"I'd like to keep it that way."

"Me too."

They drive back to San Francisco in silence, and not the once comfortable silence, but an awkward one. A silence that they had both grown out of, but are now back in. Neither Lena nor Steph bother to talk about the events of the night before.

With apparent hunger, Steph stops at another McDonalds. He orders the same things they had the day before, and continues to drive. Lena eats her fries and looks out the window. She reaches to turn on the radio in an effort to calm the tension.

"When I say don't speak of this again, I mean it." Lena breaks the silence. "I can't have people knowing I-"

"Relax, Lena, we didn't have sex."

"You're missing the point." She grumbles. "Just don't let this get out anywhere that we ended up together yesterday. It's gonna be awkward, and horrible for you and me. They'll paint you as some player, going to another girl right after you broke your engagement. As for me, I'll just be jobless for the rest of my life."

"I'm not going to fire you, you idiot."

"I mean after this job." She says.

Steph shakes his head. "What happened yesterday will never happen again, alright? No one knows, so we're okay. Calm your nerves Lena, everything's fine."

However, Steph was wrong. Everything was indeed not fine as Elaisa texted Lena an article from TMZ. Lena's head started to hurt as she read this, looking at the attached pictures. Oh God, she could vomit on the spot.

"I think I'm about to vomit."

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

"LENA, STOP. IT'S fine." Steph tried to calm her down as she paces his living room. "It's not serious, they don't know it's you. It's only my face, and you can barely see me. Whoever took the photos must've taken them on an Android, or some shit."

She pulls up the article again, zooming in on the images. "Sure, no one else will know it's me, but our families will."

"There are a billion girls out there with brown hair. Just lie and say that it wasn't you, I'm sure everyone would believe you." Steph shrugs.

"Ayesha probably knows it's me."

"Well, fuck whatever Ayesha thinks!" He throws his arms into the air. "Just be optimistic, here. It's all gonna fall on me anyways, I'm the fucking celebrity."

Lena holds the sides of her face in her hands. "You know what? Yeah. Whatever, we're okay." She takes a deep breath and heads down to his office. "Now, if you don't mind me, I'm off to a conference call."

"A conference call?" Steph cocks his head at her. "Why do you need to have a conference call?"

"I don't fucking know! The stuff I have to do for you." She calls, slamming the door to his office. "Don't bug me for an hour."

Taking on this job, Lena didn't expect Steph to have as many brand deals as he did. She was in the middle of working stuff out for him, when one thing led to another. Now she had to be on a video call, and she didn't exactly know the point of it.

Steph sighed, then remembered he had promised to workout with Andre that afternoon. He quickly got his stuff and left a note for Lena on the office door.

He was hoping that the events of last night didn't affect their relationship. Everything was starting to come together, they were finally able to sort out their differences. It would be a shame if what happened altered that.

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

Lena's conference call lasted more than an hour, so by the time she was finished with it, it was already nearing dusk. She opened the door expecting Steph to be there, but he wasn't. She didn't complain though. Spotting the note on the door asking Lena to make dinner, she orders a pizza instead.

Steph's still not back by the time the pizza arrives, so she takes a few slices and leaves it for him on the counter.

Although she tried to play off their situation as if it wasn't a big deal, Lena was worried about one thing.

She was worried about falling for him.

Maybe it wasn't a bad thing, but she didn't want to nonetheless. What happened the night before had her thinking about all the possibilities. No matter how drunk she was, the only thing she could possibly remember was that kiss. She couldn't shake the feeling, despite how hard she tried to forget it.

Lena would admit, he was a good kisser.

But everything would stop there. She wouldn't let her own feelings get the best of her. Maybe she was better off with another job, if this one was going to do this to her.

Author's note
I had a stroke writing this ending lmaoaooaoa I can do better but I am bad writers block

𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now