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chapter seventeen
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

          THE DAY OF the reunion, Lena and Steph go to board a plane back to Charlotte

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          THE DAY OF the reunion, Lena and Steph go to board a plane back to Charlotte. It was rather busy that morning, and the airport was crowded. Lena had trouble keeping track of where Steph was through all the people. "Steph?" She calls. A few people turn their heads to look at her, scanning the area for the basketball player. Steph turns back to her and hurries over. "Shut up." He says. He has a hood on, and his cap is pulled down over his head to the point where his eyes are barely visible. "I hate the attention."

He reaches out his hand to her and they walk through the airport, finally making it to their plane on time. When they board, Lena lets go of his hand to put her bag up in the compartment. She sits in the window seat. Steph rolls his eyes.

Lena looks up to him, annoyed. "Don't tell me you're gonna have a fit over a window seat." She whispers. "I like the clouds." Steph replies, sitting down next to her. He hands her a neck pillow and she gladly accepts his gift. Lena adjusts the pillow around her neck and rests her head on his shoulder to sleep. She hadn't gotten much rest the previous night, so a little nap couldn't hurt. Steph sighs and smooths her hair, resting his head on top of hers. He too is sleep deprived.

Five hours later, they wake up to the plane landing in Charlotte. Groggily wiping his eyes, Steph reaches up to grab their bags from the compartments. Lena stretches, checking her pockets and purse to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

"Hey, that's Steph Curry!" A young boy exclaims from the front of the plane. The boy's parents look up from their bags and scan the back of the aircraft for the NBA star. Startled, Steph ducks back to the seat, where he collides with Lena, who is just about to get up.

"What was that for?" She hisses, rubbing her forehead where she took the impact. Steph's chin is in pain. "I forgot to put my hood on." He whispered, adjusting it over his head and pulling the hoodie strings. Steph hands Lena her bag. "Let's go, Connor told me he'd give us a ride."

They exit the plane, linking arms in an effort to stay together amid all the travelers. They walk to the airport doors and wait for Connor to come inside. They lean on an empty wall, and Steph unlinks his arm, draping it around Lena's shoulders instead. He scans through text messages on his phone with his other hand. She squirms a little, unnerved by the contact, but she leans herself into him a bit more, testing the waters. Steph smirks. He notices.

Didn't she say that she wouldn't let anything happen between them? Lena started to regret that promise.

They stand in a comfortable silence as they wait, both scrolling on their phones.

𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now