Long Distance (Cal)

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Dating Calum was one of the best things that had ever happened to you. You two shared so much love and laughs, even the other boys could see it. You two had met while he was on tour, what had turned into a one night fling, turned into a few Instagram dms, and then him flying you out to LA for the best week of your life. Soon, a beautiful relationship had blossomed. 

Dating Calum also had its downsides. You two struggled to find times to FaceTime or Skype, plane tickets were expensive, and the fans didn't want to believe Cal was actually doing the whole "long distance" thing. 

You find yourself smiling at Calums' face on the screen. Your schedules finally aligned for a makeshift date night. Fancy wine, a home cooked meal, candles, and even your fanciest clothes. It was a bit silly, both of you could agree, but it was a much needed break from the five minute calls you two are used to. 

"Alright, baby," Calum laughs as he sits down with his bottle of wine. He has a record playing in the background on a low volume. "Let's do this." 

"How was your day?" You ask, taking your first sip of wine for the night. Your body fills with warmth as the alcohol settles in your stomach. 

"It was good. Duke only shit on the carpet once." You watch as Calum shoves some of his food in his mouth. "We both miss you." He says, looking into the camera with soft eyes. "It's quiet when you're not here with me." 

You sigh. Your apartment was quiet too. You often found yourself sitting alone on your couch, scrolling on twitter or watching some sad romance movie that always brought tears to your eyes. "I miss both of you guys too." You give him a sad smile. 

"How about you come out here soon? I can buy you a plane ticket-" 

You cut Calum off as soon as he offers. "Calum, you know I don't want you spending money on me." A trip to LA sounded nice, sitting by Calum's pool and letting the California sun soak into your skin sounded magical, but you refused to let Calum pay for it. 

"I know but babe, your job only pays enough to pay the bills, let me do this for both of us." He sighs. Calum was stubborn with these things. You had been saving money here and there, cutting back on the more expensive snacks you would buy and not eating out as much. You had a solid chunk of cash saved, almost enough to fly you to LA, but still not enough. 

"Calum, I said no. Just leave it." You angrily took a bite of your food. A tense silence fell over the two of you. 

"Can we at least-" He sets his fork down on his table. 

"Calum! I'm serious, I don't wanna talk about it." 

He lets out a frustrated groan. "How is this ever gonna work if you don't let me try to help us? This isn't just about you, Y/N! This a partnership! How are we supposed to keep this going if you don't even want to come see me?" His ears are tinted red with anger. 

"Its not that I don't want to see you, Cal!" 

"You know what, lets talk about this when we're both calmer. Text me when you're ready." Calum presses the end call button and suddenly you're left in silence. 

The silence of your apartment makes you shiver. The air is still and the only thing illuminating your face are the candles you had lit before calling Cal. You finish the rest of your food and shuffle to your bathroom, the bottle of wine clutched in your hand. 

It doesn't take long for the loneliness to take over. Tears run down your face and small sobs shake your body as you wash your face and change into pajamas. Your sheets are cold when you crawl into your bed. 

You can't help but wish the distance between you and Calum was closed, that he was here keeping his spot warm and holding you in his arms, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. 

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