Ashton Neglects Your Relationship

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It doesn't bother you when Ashton leaves early and comes home late from song writing. It doesn't bother you when he gets up in the middle of the night to go write down lyrics he can't get out of his mind. What does bother you is the fact that your relationship has basically disappeared as the albums release date approaches. 

Ashton and the boys were gathered at the studio, chatting over a quick take-out dinner before recording some more. It was getting late and you had been asking Ashton if he was coming home for hours, with no response. 

Michael is the first one to notice the notifications that come in while they're eating.  "Bro, who is blowing up your phone?" He asks around a mouthful of food, reaching for Ashton's phone on the table. 

"Huh?" Ashton looks mildly confused as Michael scrolls through his notifications. 

"Shit dude, have you been ignore Y/N this whole time?" Calum is reading the texts over Michael's shoulder. Soon enough, Luke is reading them too. 

"Where'd you get that impression?" Ashton watches as they continue to scroll. 

"Maybe it was the text asking if you were coming home... or the one about saying 5 words to each other in the last week..." Calum winces. They all look mildly disappointed in Ash, sadness forming in their eyes.

"Bro..." Luke looks up to the oldest member and shakes his head. "You've really been neglecting the person who helped you get to this point right now.." He takes a sip of his drink. 

"I- We've been so busy that I didn't even realize... I can't even remember the last time I slept through the night." Ashton runs a hand through his messy curls. "I shouldn't have let it get to this point." He lets out a frustrated sigh. 

"We're not the ones you should be telling," Michael throws the phone back to Ash. "Go tell Y/N that." 

You're surprised to see Ashton home so early. You can't say you're happy to see him since he had been ignoring you since he left that morning. 

"Hi baby," Ashton leans in to kiss you. You lean back, avoiding his lips and roll your eyes. 

"Leave it Ash, I'm not playing games with you." You cross your arms and step back from him. "You can't just ignore me all week and then come home and act like everything is okay!" Your sudden outburst shocks Ashton. 

"Baby..." He reaches for you, only for you to pull your arm away. 

"Don't touch me." You glare at him. "I'm going to the room, you can sleep on the couch or go somewhere else." You march up the stairs, leaving Ash in the living room, completely shocked. 

When you come down the stairs the next morning, ready for work, you're not surprised that Ashton is gone again. You sigh and leave, mentally preparing to come home to an empty house again. 

When you enter the house later that night, exhausted and sore, you're shocked at what you see. The house has been cleaned, candles were lit, and your favorite flowers were in a vase on the table. 

"Hi," Ashton is nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry..." He looks at your shocked face. "I can't take all the credit for this... Crystal did come over and help me cook," You can smell home-cooked food in the air. "I just hope you know I love you," 

"Oh, Ash." Your face softens. "I love you too," You find yourself in his arms a few seconds later. He plants a soft kiss on the top of your head. 

"I'm always gonna be here for you," He says softly, rubbing your back a little before pulling away. "But can we eat now? I'm starving."

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