You hide your emotions from Calum

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You didn't want to worry Calum anymore than you had to. With how stressful his album launch was becoming, you decided the best thing for the two of  you would be to bottle up your emotions.

After a week, Calum catches onto it. Your nightly conversations have turned dull, you no longer tell him about your days at work or school, how lunch with your friends went, if there was any drama going on in your life. Everything revolved around him now.

Another week and you were still bottling up your emotions. Most of your time was spent in bed, or on the couch, cuddling Duke or scrolling through your phone. The silence in the house disturbed Calum and he was starting to get mad that you weren't sharing things with him anymore.

"Ok, Y/N, what gives?!" He slams his hand on the counter, causing you to jump. "Why're you suddenly so quiet? You barely talk to me anymore! I don't even get to cuddle you when we go to bed. It's like we've turned into some old married couple that wants nothing to do with each other!"

His sudden outburst shocks you. Tears well up in your eyes. "I-i'm sorry."

"Don't pull the crying crap now," Calum rolls his eyes. "So what is it? Are you seeing someone else?"

"No!" You jump to your feet. "I-i just thought that since you're probably stressed from the album-" You sniffle and wipe your eyes. "That you wouldn't want to listen to my problems too. I'd just add to your stress." Tears stain the front of the tshirt you're wearing.

Calum can feel his heart clench. "Oh baby, no. You don't add to my stress at all." He walks around the counter and stands in front of you. "Can I hold you?"

You nod your head and Calum pulls you into his arms. "I love you so much. I'm sorry for freaking out, I didn't realize you thought that way."

"It's okay. I'm sorry if I get tears on you." You let out a weak laugh.

Calum smiles and rests his chin on your head. "Will you tell me about what's been going on in your life the last few weeks? I feel like I need some updates on all the drama."

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