Terrible Twos (Dad!Ash)

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As soon as the door closes behind Ash, you can hear your daughter calling for one of you through the baby monitor. 

"Mommy!" Her small body shakes as she sobs and reaches for you. You pick her up out of her bed and let her cuddle close, snot rubbing onto your shirt. You knew today wasn't going to be great already. When she calms down a little, you gently remove her thumb from her mouth. "Bad dream." She still has tears running down her face as she babbles about her dream to you. 

You nod along to her baby talk as you go to fix her something to eat. Once she's fully calm, you place a small bowl of oatmeal and cut up fruit in front of her. You two chat about princesses and dragons as she eats, her hands and face staining red from the raspberries. Once she's finished eating, you clean up her bowl and decide its time for her to take a quick bath. 

"Daddy?" Y/D/N asks as you carry her to the bathroom. Ashton was usually the one to give her a bath and get her dressed, but he had left early to get work done in the studio. 

"Mommy is going to give you a bath today, okay?" You say softly as you start the water. "You can even pick out some toys to play with while we get you clean. Does that sound good?" You pull a small basket of water toys out from under the sink. 

Your daughters face turns red. "Want Daddy!" She screams and stomps her foot. Y/D/N had been a Daddy's girl from the start. You blame it on Ashton for constantly playing music for her and talking to her non-stop while you were still pregnant. "Want Daddy to give me a bath!" She cries out. 

"Baby, Daddy isn't here to give you a bath," You cringe slightly as she screams again. "Mommy will make it quick and we can call Daddy when we're done, okay?" You try to reason with her as she uses her fists to wipe her eyes. Her entire face was stained by the raspberries at this point. She nods slowly and finally allows you to place her in the bath to wash up. 

After you got her dressed and her hair done for the day, you keep your promise of calling Ashton. When he finally picks up, his face is sweaty and he looks tired. 

"Hi baby, what's up?" He smiles when he sees your face. 

"Not much, Y/D/N wanted to talk to you." You hold the phone away to show your daughter who has the biggest smile on her face. 

"Hi, my sweet girl." Ashton immediately gets closer to the screen to talk to her. "I hope you're being good for Mommy!" 

Your daughter hums. "Mhm!" She nods excitedly, her hair bouncing as she does. You roll your eyes. Your daughter had been anything but good for you today, and it wasn't even noon yet. 

Ashton chats with you two for a few minutes until he has to go again. "I love you two," He smiles. Y/D/N makes a kissy face at Ash, which he responds to with a loud MWAH noise. "I'll see you later," 

The call ends quickly and your daughter hops off your lap. She beelines for her toys, immediately digging out some of the animal figures she has. 

"What are you doing, little miss?" You plop down next to her, waiting for her to hand you a toy like she usually does. 

"Playing, duh." She remarks in a sassy tone. Yup, she was definitely Ashtons' kid. She makes a few exaggerated animal noises and bangs the figures together, completely ignoring you. 

Nap time finally rolls around and you can't help but find yourself praying for some peace and quiet while she sleeps. Only, she refuses to go down. Time continues to go on as Y/D/N cries for Ashton, throwing one of the biggest tantrums you've ever seen. You're about to start pulling out your own hair as she continues to cry, her face turning bright red from all the screaming. 

"Want Daddy!" She continues to scream. Her small body has progressed from letting out sobs to hiccups. "Don't want you, Mommy! Only Daddy! Take me to Daddy!" She sobs. 

"Daddy isn't here!" You raise your voice, trying to talk calmly hadn't gotten you anywhere. "I'm going to tell him that you have been a very, very bad girl when he gets home!" You watch as she plops onto her butt and continues to scream, only getting louder. 

"Want Daddy!" She lets out another broken sob and your heart shatters. You wanted Ashton home too, but he couldn't always be there for you two all the time. You find your phone and shoot a quick "come home now" text to Ashton before crawling in to the tiny toddler bed. 

You scoop Y/D/N into your arms and hold her close. "I know you want Daddy, but he can't always be home for us," You rub her back as she calms down. "He has to go to work sometimes, and make music with Uncle Calum, Uncle Luke, and Uncle Mikey." You softly explain. "You remember your uncles yeah?" 

Your daughter nods slowly and sucks on her thumb. You hum softly as she relaxes and falls asleep on you. You can't help but to fall asleep there too, completely exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster that you two had been on today. 

When Ashton gets home, he's expecting blood and tears, or a completely trashed house. He's almost surprised when its nearly spotless, only a few toys thrown outside of the box. He kicks off his shoes and calls out for you. "Y/N?" 

When he nears your daughters room, he peeks in. The image of you and Y/D/N curled up and sleeping together makes his heart melt. He can see the bags under your eyes and the dried tears on both of your cheeks. He sighs and pulls the blanket over the two of you and plants soft kisses on each of your foreheads. For now, the least he could do was make dinner and wait to wake his girls up. 

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