Luke X Diabetic!Reader

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You stared at the numbers flashing on your test kit. It was the middle of the night, but you had gotten up to use the bathroom every twenty minutes, and after your fourth trip you finally decided you needed to check your blood sugar. Sure enough, you were high.

A frustrated groan leaves your mouth as you throw your kit onto your side table and get out from under the blankets once again.

"Hmm, baby," Luke lets out a soft moan as he rolls over. He cracks an eye open to look at your figure standing up. "What's wrong? Are you low?"

You shake your head. "I'm fine. Just a little high. Don't worry." You throw on your slippers to combat the cold floors under your feet.

"How high?" He sits up in bed, a little yawn leaving his mouth.

You chew your lip for a second. "350..."

Luke stretches and climbs out of bed. "Alright, lets go get you some insulin." He places a hand on your lower back as the two of you make your way to the kitchen.

The cool air from the fridge bites at your skin when you retrieve your bottle of insulin. Luke already has a syringe out for you and he carefully places the bag back into the cabinet. While you pull your insulin, Luke grabs a cold bottle of water and some alcohol swabs. He watches as you inject yourself, a small wince leaving his mouth. He trades you the syringe for the water and throws it into the red sharps bucket on the counter.

"Water is so good," You lean against the counter as you chug the rest of the bottle.

Luke chuckles as he watches you. "Let's go back to bed," He puts his hand out for you. "Check again in an hour?"


When your blood sugar drops in front of him for the first time, Luke has no idea what to do. You decided to join the boys for a movie night on the tour bus, but halfway through, you burst into a cold sweat. You excuse yourself for a few moments, your vision going slightly black when you stand, and go to find your blood sugar kit. Sure enough, its low.

"Shit," Calum quickly turns the lights back on while Ashton pauses the movie. "Low? How?"

Luke forces you to sit down on the couch while you stare off into space. "What do we need to do?" He looks into your eyes.

"Uhm.." You can't seem to think about what to do. "Sugar. Soda, candy, doesn't matter."

Luke nods and the rest of the boys make quick work of finding something for you to snack on. Michael returns with a coke not even thirty seconds later.

"Okay, here we go." Luke opens up the can and holds it out for you. "Drink it," He watches with nervous eyes as you take some sips of the cola.

"Found some of these," Calum and Ashton walk back into the room with some small bags of random candy. "They had them in the dressing rooms earlier, I'm glad we took some now." He throws the bags down next to you.

Every five minutes, Luke pricks your finger again and checks your blood sugar. Once you hit 70, you start to get annoyed. "Luke, I'm okay now, I promise." You sigh.

"Okay, okay," He zips up your meter pouch and sits back onto the couch.

"You really scared us there, Y/N." Michael pipes up from the opposite side.

"I'm sorry," You apologize. "This doesn't happen too often."

"Hey, its fine. It's just a learning experience." Calum flicks the lights back off. "Can we get back to the movie now? It was just getting to the good part."


The knock on the door brings butterflies to your stomach. Luke jumps a little too, a bright smile appears on his face. "Go!" He stands up as you rush to open the door.

"Hello!" Two women stand at your door, both in scrubs and holding boxes. "We're here to help you set up your new pump and CGM, may we come in?" One of them asks. You nod and step out of the way, allowing them to walk into your shared home with Luke.

"So, it's a little overwhelming but I promise you guys will get it," There's tons of supplies laid out on the dining room table. Not one, but two insulin pumps, a bottle of insulin, a few boxes of supplies, and too many pamphlets that you and Luke will have to read later.

It takes over an hour to go over everything, both you and Luke as questions about how everything works, and you even set up your usual ratios and basal times into your new pump. They help you and Luke set up apps on your phone for your new CGM and finally, it's time to apply it.

"So, we have your pump," One of the nurses hands you your new insulin pump. You had already filled it, you were just waiting to put the infusion set in and call it a day. "And we have one for Luke to put on for a few minutes while we finish going over everything,"

"Don't worry, its only full of saline," One of the nurses pats Luke on the shoulder. "We recommend putting your set on your tummy at first, but just like with injections you need to use an alcohol swab first,"

You and Luke both prep your stomachs. He rolls his shirt up and the nurse places a plastic set on him. She counts down from 3 and pushes two buttons, the needle rockets into his stomach and leaves a small round piece in its place.

"Okay, that wasn't," He gulps. "Too bad." He runs his finger over the plastic.

You gulp and look over to your nurse. She has the infusion set in her hand and you reach out to grab Luke's fingers. Soon enough, the infusion set is in. And it only felt like a little pinch.

The nurses clean up and leave you two with their numbers, stealing back the pump Luke had demoed. He sighs in relief when he can peel the infusion set off his skin and throws it away. You smile up at him and run to give him a hug.

"You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you for being willing to learn." You sigh into his chest. It felt good having someone there to help you, free of judgement.

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