Chapter 1 : Accident

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Max was a sportive girl. Always on her skateboard, she was ripping through the air like a shell, lost in her mind, ignoring every forms of life around her. It was her way to escape from her obnoxious and toxic family. It was her thing, they couldn't take that from her. She was invincible on her skateboard, it was like her feet, she even used more her skateboard than her own feet, it was part of her body.

She heard tires squealing, saw two lights, and then nothing. It was all black. When she re-opened her eyes, she was on a rolling bed with many people above her asking her if she remembered her name or what happened. They told her she was at hospital in direction for a surgery of emergency. She felt her eyelids getting heavier and everything was black again.

She was feeling empty, light, like if she was flying. Damn, she was high! She didn't know what they gave her, but it wasn't crap. She tried to open her eyes, but the white light was dazzling her.

- "Maxine? Maxine!"

- "I'm alive mom, calm down," Max mumbled.

- "God, I was so scared! When the hospital called me to tell me that you were hit by a car-"

- "A car hit me!? So cool!"

- "No, not cool! You crossed the road without looking, as always!"

- "I'm fine, just a bit broken."

- "A bit broken!? Your left wrist is broken, same for your leg, some of your ribs are too, and you were hit at your head! At your head! Do you realize how bad it could have been!?" Susan stated with an irritated tone.

- "It didn't, stop yelling, I've a headache."

- "I have to go anyway."

- "Yeah, thank you for your little concern!"

- "Don't say that, Maxine, you know I love you."

- "That's why you keep calling me Maxine instead of Max!"

- "I'm-"

- "I don't care. Just go back to your work and let me die here," Max sighed.

The mother leaned to Max to kiss her forehead. The redhead tried to sink in her pillow, but her neck and her back were hurting too much, so she let her kiss her. When her mother left the room, Max winced in her direction before sighing loudly with her mouth. A doctor checked her and told her she would stay at least a week in hospital to have more surgeries. When the man left, a nurse entered to change her bandage on her head.

- "Don't worry, your roommate won't bother you," the nurse said.

- "I see, what does she have?" Max frowned.

- "Oh, a sad story. She was with her family, they were going to see her sister, but a drunk man driving on the oncoming traffic hit their car."

- "Oh shit, how are they!?"

- "Her parents died on the spot, and her, well, she is in a coma since, recovering her wounds."

- "How long has she been like that?"

- "Six months, you certainly heard about the crash, it was after Christmas, it's the period where we have most accidents."

- "That sucks. You're sure she is still alive? Her beeps are kinda weak, no?"

- "She is stable. She got better weeks ago, she can breathe by her own, but nothing more."

- "You can't just unplug her?"

- "No! She is still alive! I've hope for her, her body is fighting."

- "Okay, okay, I was just asking!"

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