Chapter 12 : Eagle

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Max left the house without telling her mother. She wouldn't care anyway, or she would force her to stay at home instead of going on her skateboard. She waited three weeks to skate again, she wasn't going to let her mother blocking her from the only things that were making her smile lately. Indeed, she wasn't just skateboarding, she was in direction of the hospital. She knew Jane's days were busy, so she waited for the end of the afternoon to visit her. But, before, she enjoyed her skateboard, doing tricks, riding fast in the streets, and, obviously, watching the roads before crossing them. When she reached the hospital, she quickly walked inside in direction of Jane's room. On the way, she saw Meredith who stopped her:

- "She is in a bad mood today, worse than yesterday. She refused to do the reeducation this morning and she didn't say a word, again, she refused any kind of helps since days."

- "Oh, okay. I still can see her?"

- "Yes, of course, I just wanted you to know."

- "Okay, thanks."

The redhead stopped at a vending machine and bought some chocolate bars and candies. Skating was tiring, she needed more energy now. And maybe Jane was hungry too. She arrived in the room with a smile. Jane was looking at her with the same angry expression as the day before.

- "I heard you had been a bad girl today!" Max stated, sitting next to her. "You know, if you don't do reeducation, you won't feel better, and you won't walk ever again!"

- "For what?" Jane mumbled.

- "What? You don't want to walk again?"

- "For what?"

- "I don't know, living!"

- "For what?"

- "You're annoying, I hope you know that!"

- "Yeah, I know."

- "You're gonna do that the rest of the day!?"

- "Fuck you."

- "You know, that's stupid what you're doing, you wanna know why!?"

- "No."

- "I'll tell you anyway. It's stupid because you survived a car crash, and you can get out of this hospital if you do correctly the reeducation, but you prefer rejecting your chance to live again!? Do you know how many people are wishing to have a chance like yours!?"

- "I'm sure my parents are wishing to have a chance like mine."

- "..."

- "What? You lost all your arguments?"

- "You can be harsh some times," Max stated.

- "You don't know me."

- "Obviously not."

The redhead wasn't offended by Jane's behavior, pain was hard to control. Instead, she let Jane with her thoughts -knowing that she wanted her to reply- searched in the brunette's bag, and took the book about birds to read it.

- "It's mine," Jane said.

- "I know, I read it to you when you could just blink."

- "Yeah, I, I remember."

- "What do you remember?"

- "I don't know...You like the eagle, right?"

- "Oh, yeah, totally!" Max told with an encouraging tone. "It's a great bird, right?"

- "Yeah, it's common."

- "Oh, you're so judging me right now," Max chuckled.

- "Nah, it's just, every time you ask someone what their favorite bird is, you can be sure they answer the eagle. But it's a cool bird, they can fly fast."

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