Chapter 7 : Noise

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Max was more than tired. She had had her operation and now all she could do was sleeping. She didn't like being high, her feelings were mixing inside her; she was sad, angry, and then euphoric. It wasn't making sense. She began to cry for nothing special. Or maybe she had reasons to cry, she didn't know, she was too half-tired to know. She was alone in her room anyway; she didn't care to cry. She usually preferred crying in her room, well, that what was she used to do, now she was crying less and less, used to Hell in her house. Maybe it was all her emotions she kept retaining that were overwhelming her right now. The feeling inside her, thinking that no one could understand her; the empty space, missing her past life in California with her father; her goddamn leg which was hurting as Hell! She hoped she could be able to skate again after. She would do it anyway. She could empty her head when she was on her skate, it was stronger than her, she needed to skate. This time, none of her friends came, but she knew why, they were all in vacation. It was okay. But she was hearing a constant sound, like something always falling on a mattress, again and again.

- "Sssssh," she made instinctively, her eyes still closed.

The noise stopped a moment before beginning again. She began to worry, what if there was a serial killer in her room, and that this noise was the noise he was making when he was walking!? No, no, it was stupid, she really needed to stop watching horror movies. But then she remembered she wasn't alone in this room; there was her new best friend: Jane, but the young girl was in a coma, she couldn't move. Just in case, Max slowly opened one eye and looked in direction of the bed in front of her. Her vision was blurry, but she could glimpse something raised then dropped on the girl's mattress. When her vision began to be better, she understood it was the brunette's right arm, no more, no less.

- "Jane!? You're awake!?" Max asked with a sleepy voice.

No one answered, but she wasn't surprised. She weakly grabbed her button and called her nurse. When Meredith entered the room, Max pointed to the other bed without talking, still too weak because of the meds. She didn't remember exactly what happened next, she was so sleepy that everything was blurry, but in one second the room got filled with many medical staff, all examining the brunette in front of her, but she didn't remember what they said, especially because she fell asleep again. She got woken up by Meredith who brought her the meal.

- "Are you okay?" the nurse smiled.

- "I guess," Max answered, still groggy. "Where is Jane?"

- "They took her in another room for now."

- "Oh, okay...How is she?"

- "She will be okay; she is slowly coming back to us. She can understand what we say, but for now she doesn't talk, it could be the shock or her head trauma; we don't know yet."

- "There are risks she couldn't talk again anymore?"

- "Yes, of course, there are always risks after a car crash as violent as this one, even in a small car crash there are always risks. But we're here to be sure she will find her mobility as much as possible."

- "She can't walk neither!?"

- "We don't know yet, that's why they took her in another room, to test her, to know what she can do, what she remembers about herself, and more," explained Meredith.

- "Okay. I won't see her again then?"

- "You will, they won't keep her the entire night, but she is an exceptional clinical case, she is waking up rapidly."

- "Yeah, I'm not surprised, she seems to be badass," Max affirmed.

The nurse smiled to her. She gave her her meds before leaving. Max ate her meal without stopping thinking of Jane, wondering how she was and how she would react when she learnt about her parents. It would destroy her, she was certainly close to them, as a normal child in a normal family. She preferred not imagining it, it was too sad, and she cried enough for today. She tried to clear her head by switching on the TV. She found a stupid TV show and thought it wasn't that bad, at least she didn't have to think.

As she had slept the entire day, she wasn't tired anymore even if it was dark outside. During the night, the nurses brought Jane back in the room. She was still not talking, but it was possible to communicate with her, with her eyes. If she was blinking one time it was a yes, and two times a no. The redhead didn't talk to her this night, she seemed exhausted, which she found weird as she had slept for six months now! Maybe it was tiring to be in a coma, she didn't know. And she had certainly lots of emotions those last hours, she woke up in hospital, not knowing why she was here, she certainly didn't know which day they were. It must be scary; Max was glad to not be in her place.

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