Chapter 20 : Match

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Things got better with Jane. The brunette was still very moody, but Max could handle it better now. She knew it was because of the pain, and she could do nothing against that. She tried to spend as much time as possible with her, especially after what Will had told her. He was right, Jane could leave at any moment to go to a better place, she had to enjoy those last moments with her as much as possible. Jane had a strict diet, but the doctor allowed her some digressions, so Max bought her a box of chocolate that the doctor examined. Once checked, the redhead could join the brunette in her room.

- "Hey Jane, how are you?"

The brunette shrugged as an answer.

- "I bought you some chocolates."

A small smile grew on Jane's face. The young girl took support on her arms to sit up. Max sat on the armchair next to the bed and held out the box to Jane who picked up a chocolate.

- "So, what did you do today?" Max asked.

- "I "walked" with the parallel bars," Jane explained Jane.

- "How was it?"

- "Exhausting! I fell six times!"

- "But you stood up every time, right?"

- "Of course," Jane smirked.

- "Then, everything is fine, you're not totally a waste!" Max joked.

- "Not always. So, um, how is it with your mom?"

- "Oh, still a big long silence! I don't think she actually cares if I talk or not, I even think she prefers if I don't."

- "Oh, sorry to hear that," Jane pouted.

- "It's fine, I prefer talking to you. And, when I find a job, I'll leave them forever with no regrets."

Max didn't develop all the hate she had for her family; she didn't want to annoy Jane with this.

The redhead switched on the TV on a music channel to see if Jane could remember some of the songs playing. She was scared to ask her if she was going to leave, she didn't want her to, but she knew it was what she had to do, to complete her reeducation. But she would be alone, she didn't have enough money to leave her family, and all her friends were going in college. She wouldn't survive with Neil and her mother.

- "Are you okay?" Jane asked.

- "What? Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, sorry...You were saying something?"

- "No, but you became pale and you seemed worried, is everything okay?"

- "Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I was lost in my thoughts," Max reassured.

- "Oh, okay, don't do that again, it's scary, I thought you were having an attack!"

- "I'm fine, relax."

- "I hope!"

Max felt butterflies in her stomach. It was stupid, but just seeing that Jane was caring a bit about her made her feel like she was flying. She put the box of chocolates on Jane's belly, intertwined her fingers with hers, and placed her head against Jane's arm. The two girls were interrupted by Troy entering the room. The boy stopped to frown at them before sitting on the left side of Jane.

- "Hey Jane," he smiled.

- "Hey Troy, how are you?" Jane smiled.

- "I'm good, and you?"

- "I'm fine. You want a chocolate?"

- "Ouh, yes! (takes one) Did you play chess today?"

- "Nope."

- "You wanna play against me?"

- "Don't let me win this time."

- "I didn't let you win last time!"

- "I know it's not true, I just began remembering some things about chess, I know I'm not very good."

- "...It's for your confidence..."

- "I know, but I won't progress if you let me win."

- "You can play with me if you want," Max intervened.

- "You play chess?" Jane frowned.

- "I try, I'm not very good, but you know I won't let you win, even if your brain is fucked up."

- "I'm offended."

- "Yeah, right!" Max chuckled.

Jane smirked while Max playfully rolled her eyes. Troy installed the chess set on the table and decided to referee the match between the girls. The redhead had never been so concentrated in her entire life. She had spent so much time trying to learn how to play chess that she wanted to prove herself it wasn't for nothing. Jane was mad because she noticed that Max was really not trying to let her win, and she gave everything of herself in this. Troy tried to help her, but the brunette had too much pride to let him do; she kept telling him to shut up.

- "What are you waiting for?" Troy frowned.

- "What?" Max answered.

- "You're winning! You need to say it!"

- "Um...checkmate?"

- "And I declare Max the winner!"

- "Oh my god, did I actually win!? That's so cool! It's the first time I've won! Whouhou!"

Max jumped from Jane's bed and began to dance of happiness.

- "I let you win," Jane grumbled.

- "Oh, Jane, don't be a bad loser," Max mocked.

- "I'm not, I let you win!"

- "Stop lying!"

- "I had the sun in my eyes..."

- "Oh my god, that's all you've got? Come on, we both know that it's the only moment in my life where I can beat you. When you play again, I'll be forever a loser against you."

- "Yeah, okay, I give you that," Jane shrugged.

- "Has she always been such a bad loser?"

- "Oh yeah, with chess, always, why do you think I let her win?" Troy answered.

- "I'm not a bad loser, I just prefer winning," Jane said.

- "Yeah, that's what we call a bad loser," Max chuckled.

- "Stop that!"

The brunette crossed her arms of annoyance, while Max was sticking her tongue out at her. Jane shook her head before looking away. The redhead stopped mocking her, sat next to her, and kissed her cheek to cheer her up. Jane tried not to smile, but she couldn't control it. She sighed with her nose, still annoyed, but blushed and let her smile grow.

- "You're unbearable," Jane stated.

- "I know, that's why you like me, right?"

- "Yeah, right."

- "Well, I guess it's time for me to leave!" Troy told.

- "Already?" Jane asked with a disappointed tone.

- "Yeah, I told some old friends that I would eat with them tonight."

- "Okay, have fun then. You'll come back?"

- "Of course, I will! You won't get rid of me so easily!"

Jane smiled to him. The boy said goodbye to the two girls before leaving them. Max proposed Jane if she wanted to continue to search for her bird -which she accepted- so the redhead -still sitting on the bed- took the book, opened it in front of them, and turned the pages, while the brunette -holding her Teddy bear in her arms- placed her head on Max's shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

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