Chapter 19 : Movements

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It was the half of August. Max was laying down on her bed, looking at her ceiling. This second month of Summer was beginning well, she spent the first two weeks of August with all her friends, going to the pool, enjoying the sun, and doing barbecues. It was very fun, she really enjoyed all of this! But a part of her couldn't stop being worried about Jane. She thought it was stopping, nobody could grow feelings so fast with someone, it didn't make sense.

- "MAXINE! THIS IS FOR YOU!" her mother called from the living-room.

The redhead rolled her eyes at this name. She had stopped believing in her mother for a moment now. She sighed loudly with her mouth before getting out of her bed and going to the living-room. She frowned when she saw the two persons at the door.

- "Oh my god, is she dead!?" Max asked.

- "What!? No!" Constance answered.

- "She wants to see you!" Troy said.

- "What!? No, no no no no, no, no! I almost killed her last time!"

- "Nah, you got on her nerves, but it's not really hard lately!" Constance stated.

- "Why would she want to see me!?"

- "Because you're part of her habits now! She didn't want me to touch her book about birds because she wanted to find her favorite bird with you, not me! And she keeps asking everyone when you're coming back."

- "What? No, no, it's not a good idea, I-"

- "Come with us or we kidnap you," Troy told.

- "Uuuh...Okay!"

Max took her bag and followed them. She spent the whole ride stressing. She was sure Jane wanted to see her to show the damage, to make her feel guilty. If it was her goal, then she was an asshole, and she wasn't missing a lot with her. If Jane wanted to be like that, then Max would be like that too, she would tell her how awful she had been since she was awake! Yeah, she would do that.

Max arrived in front of the door, but she froze. She didn't want to face her, Jane didn't deserve that; she knew she had been awful because she was in pain, not because she was mean. Anyway, now that she was here, she could at least see her. She took a deep breath and entered.

When she met her eyes, she stopped. Jane was angrily looking at her, Max trying to do the same as her, but she was feeling too guilty to do it. After a few seconds of silence, Jane raised her two arms, and showed the redhead her two middle fingers. Max first clenched her jaw and closed tight her fists, upset to be in this trap, but then, she frowned, dropped her jaw, and pointed at her.

- "Oh my god! You can move your arms!" Max stated.

- "Hell yeah I can!" Jane smiled.

- "Oh my god! Jane! It's amazing! How!? When!? How!?"

- "Well, an annoying redhead provoked me and made me fall of my bed!"

- "Oh...Jane, I'm sorry about that..."

- "I'm not! When I hit the bed, it loosened, or something like that, some of my nerves! It brought me back a bit more of my motor function! It's not like before, but, damn, admit it's so cool, right?"

- "Yeah, of course it is," Max smiled. "And your legs?"

Jane raised one of her fingers before pointing her legs. She managed to raise her right leg longer than her left leg, but it was still longer than the last time.

- "Jane, that's amazing, I'm really happy for you."

- "Yeah, that's cool. It motivated me for my reeducation."

- "Really? That's very great, it's a really important decision you made, I'm proud of you," Max softly said, sitting next to Jane.

- "I'm happy you came."

- "Yeah...I was so scared to come back here. I...I thought I had killed you."

- "You could have."

- "I'm supposed to feel better!?"

Jane chuckled which made laugh Max. The redhead was so relieved now, she felt a big weight leaving her body. And Jane seemed to feel better, so much better, in her mind and in her body.

- "How are you?" Jane asked.

- "Oh, uh...I, I'm good, and you?"

- "I'm good too. You know, I realized that I had never asked you how you were..."

- "It's okay, I understand, don't worry."

- "My psychiatrist told me it was because I was too much in pain to care about other people's feelings..." Jane explained, looking down.

- "Hey, don't be ashamed. I'm not mad at you, don't worry."

- "Yeah...Why were you this mad last time, at the point of trying to kill me?"

- "Haha, (gently pushes her) it's for nothing, it's ridiculous."

- "It's not, if it hurts you, then it's not ridiculous."

- "It's nothing, it's mom..."

- "You don't seem close to her, right?"

- "No, but I had never thought she could be this awful with me..."

- "What did she say?"

- "Oh, uh...nothing kind..."

Max preferred not telling her what her mother told her; she was feeling too ashamed to tell her, she didn't want her to see her like a fragile thing with an unstable mind.

- "Whatever she said, I'm sure it's wrong," Jane affirmed.

- "You can't know, you don't know me."

- "I know enough of you to know that people can say only nice things about you."

- "I should have tried to kill you the first day!" Max joked.

Jane playfully shook her head before chuckling.

- "How is it with your sister?" Max asked.

- "Better. We have some sessions together, to recreate a bond between us and to help with my memory."

- "Good, I'm happy for you. You seem in a better state of mind now," Max stated.

- "Yeah, I am," Jane smiled. "It's thanks to you."

- "No, no , it's thanks to the doctors, the nurses, the therapists, and all those people, me, I just annoy you."

- "True, but it helped me too. And, I didn't ask my sister which bird was my favorite to find it with you."

Max smirked and blushed, feeling special by this remark. She quickly grabbed the book and turned the pages with Jane. She missed her so much those weeks, she was so happy to be with her now. She wanted to stay here forever.

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