Fifth Place in Mystery, B1

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1. What do you, as the writer of your works, like about your book (placed) the most?

I am not that fond of praising my own work :P But this book is especially close to my heart since this was the first story I completed when I was about fourteen years old. I am really fond of the pure childhood love the two best friends share. Other than that it also highlights the issue of privatisation of law and order. Imagine being under the rule of a corporate organization? Something like an Umbrella Corp from Resident Evil :P Too much power corrupts you. I have briefly touched upon that theme.

2. What inspired/continues to inspire you to write?
There are lots of inspiration sources, my own personal life experiences being one, but most of all, it's my inner unmet wishes that make me want to write. I want a loving childhood best friend, I created Kaidon in Black Knight, I wanted a strong, career driven self image, I created Hailey in Chasing Life. So most of my works are an amalgamation of self experience and where I want to be/what I desire.

3. How long have you been writing, and what was the first thing that drove you to start writing?

Honestly, I have been writing in breaks. I started writing when I was twelve, that was when I got recognized in my class, for the first time, for a short detective story I wrote. I was crazy about this anime called Detective Conan (which I still am) and wanted to write the best detective story ever. So, yeah, Detective Conan and a story prompt for a school homework was the thing that first drove me to write, lol. But I never really completed any work except Black Knight. I stopped writing when I was seventeen (2013, and, ironically, that was when I joined Wattpad, I am such a lazy fool!) and then briefly constructed the plot for another story when I was twenty one (2017), then stopped and again picked it up very recently sometime in late 2019. I won this contest by Penguin Books, that reignited my trust in my writing skills. So I guess 5 + 1 month + 5 months, so been writing for like 5.5 years? lol am not sure.

4. Do you get writer's block frequently? If so, what do you do to combat it?

Of course, I would be surprised if anyone doesn't. I have just three combat mechanisms for it, watch a kdrama, read someone else's book, or just sleep :P and the third one tends to work the best. I usually don't run out of plots, but the desire to write something or the idea of what exactly to write. So taking a break often helps.

5. What advice would you give to other aspiring authors?

I am an aspiring author myself! Some one give me some advice! :P Well I can share the advice that I have received myself, or what has worked for me so far:
a. Make a genuine attempt on contests: Contest hosts tend to have a greater reach. Even if you are tired, don't have the time or can't find the inspiration to write, please still participate. writing is all about practice.
b. Reader is the ultimate God: If you want your work to get recognized, focus on what your target audience likes to read.
c. Read: I read like 60 novels last year and that was when I got the hang of writing and am still not good at it.
d. Write: Keep writing, you'll realize that your every new work is better than the last one.
e. Accept constructive criticism
f. Grammar isn't just for primary school: It beautifies your language. I make a lot of mistakes too, but I try my best to go back and fix them. I am even reading up on grammar rules again.

6. Does your writing reflect your own thoughts intimately or are you detached to some extent?

Like I said before, my inspiration is my thoughts and desires. Most of the philosophical stuff in my work is either out of my own brain (I often wonder about the world, society, and human behaviour) or out of my homework :P (I have a Science and Management background btw)

7. What are your hobbies, besides writing? Why are they so?

Reading, I read a lot, mostly to learn about catchy writing styles. I draw, mostly anime characters since am a big fan. Then there is music, it calms me, and I like watching animes and Kdramas, they are like an endless source of inspiration for plots.

Interviewing MauliKundlia.

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