1. What do you, as the writer of your works, like about your book (placed) the most?My favorite thing is the underlying theme of the story. The conclusion I have planned is going to work well in this regard, I think. That's all I'm going to say on that note.
2. What inspired/continues to inspire you to write?
Mainly other books, but also interesting facts or concepts I learn about in my daily life. To me, writing at its core is about conveying ideas-whether it's a philosophical idea or just a cool concept. When I have an interesting idea rattling around in my head, that's usually what eventually drives me to write.
3. How long have you been writing, and what was the first thing that drove you to start writing?
I did some creative writing as a kid (like 15 years ago), but since then my writing has mainly been academic. It wasn't until earlier this year I decided to attempt to put a story together, simply because it had been occupying my mind recently.
4. Do you get writer's block frequently? If so, what do you do to combat it?
I usually only decide to write when inspiration strikes me, but sure-writer's block can still happen in the middle of a session sometimes. I find that the best thing to do is usually to go for a walk or something like that. Stimulate other parts of my brain for a moment.
5. What advice would you give to other aspiring authors?
If they really want to improve their writing, I think the best method is to find other authors that are willing to give notes. Be open to criticism, but don't be afraid to disregard criticism either-especially if it's not constructive. Learn to view other people's opinions as a resource, not something that defines you.
6. Does your writing reflect your own thoughts intimately or are you detached to some extent?
I think it absolutely does. My personal philosophy informs the story I want to tell in a big way. That said however, I think it's good to try and have sympathetic characters that can offer somewhat differing perspectives. Moral complexity makes stories more interesting, at least to me.
7. What are your hobbies, besides writing? Why are they so?
I also write music and do photography. Oh, and video games. Lots of video games...
Interviewing Nollhypotes.
RandomA record of interviews for the talented winners, interviewed by the sole host of the Ace Awards.