Fourth Place in Mystery, B2

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1. What do you, as a writer of your works, like about your book (placed) the most?

A. What I enjoy the most about writing my book 'Delusion or Illusion' is my characters. Though they're fictional but still they feel real. I love Daisy, my main female protagonist, who lives a delusional life and falls in love with a person who doesn't even exist. And moreover, she spends 4 years of her life, loving a non existent person. The way she fights that battle and comes out of it. The way she frees herself from her delusional world is something I love the most.

2. What inspires or continues to inspire you to write?

A. Well, for the first part, my own imagination brought this storyline in my mind and then there were my friends who inspired me the most to write and showcase my work to people around. And what continues to inspire me is the support, the reviews and comments I receive from people. And not to forget the awards I received. Just halfway through my book, within less than 2 months of writing I managed to win 3 awards for my book and that is something which gives me motivation and a will to write. When you know that the readers are loving your book, that is most happiest moment in a writer's life and that is what is a push for me to write more, to keep them entertained.

3. How long have you been writing, and what was the first thing that drove you to writing?

A. I've been writing for just 2 months now. I started writing in March this year. My own imagination and my passion for writing is the first thing that drove me to writing. Then comes the role of my friends and family, who constantly pushed me to pursue my passion.

4. Do you get writer's block frequently? If so what do you do to combat it?

A. When I first started writing my book, the whole story line was planned, so I didn't find it difficult at any point of time. But sometimes, I find it difficult how to bring this particular scene or plot and at those times, I read to get my mind off it. Once my mind is relaxed, I start writing and music is something that helps me write without interruption.

5. What advice would you give to other aspiring authors?

A. I would just advice them to enjoy writing, never feel writing as a chore, like your obligated to write.
When you start thinking like your characters, when you put yourselves in their shoes and think like them, that's when writing becomes the easiest thing. You'll never get tired of writing and ideas just keep flowing.

6. Does your writing reflect your own thoughts intimately or are you detached to some extent?

A. Yes, partly my writing reflects my thoughts but not completely. Many scenes I write are part of my daily life. Like when there's a huge fight or arguement, so that mostly I've written when I was frustrated at something. Those are my feelings when I couldn't vent out my anger on the person who put me in that situation. So, I put that in my writing. So in a way, writing is sometimes an escape from reality for me.

7. What are your hobbies besides writing ? Why are they so?

A. Whenever I've free time, I like to spend it alone with music and a cup of coffee or green tea. I like thinking about everything that's going on in my life and reflect on myself, how to improve it. Other than that, I like drawing, nothing professional but I like creating new designs. So yeah, that's it, I guess.

Interviewing aaria101.

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