Question: Give us a small description of yourself.Answer: Where do I even start lol? Well I'm 19 years old from the beautiful twin island of Trinidad and Tobago and I'm an aspiring nurse with a love for writing.
Question: What inspired you to write your book Celestial:Queen of the Stars?
Answer: My cover. Crazily enough it was my cover, I had Celestial in my drafts for a while and the moment I got the 'perfect' cover in my head all these ideas came to me and I just started writing.
Question: What is your inspiration behind the title of your your book Celestial: Queen of the Stars?
Answer: Originally the name was just 'Queen of the Stars' but after changing my main character's name to Celestial it was just inevitable.
Question: What do you like the most about writing? Why do you like it?
Answer: I'm a daydreamer point blank, I'm always in my head and I get all these ideas all the time. So writing is a way for me put all these ideas together and see it come to life basically. I like it because for a couple hours I get sucked into a different world and create something that I love.
Question: What was the first thing that drove you to start writing?
Answer: My friends. I always had ideas to write but I never actually wrote it but my friends convinced me and cheered me on to start writing and I did and I'm forever grateful they did that.
Question: How long have you been writing?
Answer: About 5-6 years now.
Question: How many books have you written, including the ones you have not completed?
Answer: Currently five and I'm constantly going back and forth with all as new ideas emerges.
Question: What was the name of your first work?
Answer: Oh wow the memories, it was a mess of a book by thirteen year old me called 'I'm Not Afraid'. I unpublished it once I realized how bad it was but I still kept it because I can't really let my babies go, they deserve better than that.
Question: Do you ever find writing to be something you would pursue as a career, or only as a hobby?
Answer: As a hobby. I love writing it helps me relax and is an escape for all the ideas I have. If I pursued it as a career then I'd most likely be stressed about completing deadlines and eventually fall out of love and that's not what I want.
Question: What dynamic advice would you give to other authors?
Answer: Research, research, research. Not sure of something? Research. It helps out a lot even if it's something silly to you like finding a synonym for a word it makes all the difference. Especially if you're incorporating different cultures in your work it's important to get it done correctly.
Question: Does your writing reflect your own thoughts intimately, or are you detached to some extent?
Answer: Yes and yes. In some ways my writing does reflect some of my own thoughts and beliefs but at the same time some of it definitely does not, so I'm not connected to that part of it.
Question: Do you have anything to say to motivate your readers who wish to become an author like you?
Answer: Do not give up! If you think your work is not good enough do not at any point give up. The idea you have is absolutely good enough to share with the world. If you're truly passionate about writing by no means should you give up at any point. You can always improve, the more you write the better you can get so go publish that book in your drafts right now.
Question: Do you get writer's block frequently? If so what do you do to combat it?
Answer: Way too often. To help with it I try reading over what I've written from the beginning or the last two chapters before I got stuck and the ideas usually flow from there. If not I leave my work to hang out for a few days while I relax with a good book to get my creative juices flowing once more.
Question: Do you have any thoughts and comments you wish to say upon winning in the Ace Awards?
Answer: First of all I want to thank you for hosting the awards. I genuinely wanted to get some feedback on my story whether good or bad so I'd know where I can improve on and you guys did just that and so much more. Shout out to all the judges as well💛.
Question: What would you like to say to your readers as a token of appreciation for reading your book?
Answer: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know it's cliche to say but you guys give me the motivation to keep writing and improve on the thing I love most which is writing so thank you. I appreciate all the feedback both positive and constructive it means the world to me.🖤🖤
RandomA record of interviews for the talented winners, interviewed by the sole host of the Ace Awards.