1. What do you, as the writer of your works, like about your book (placed) the most?that it's different from a lot of werewolf stories out there. I try to avoid any kind of clichés and instead focus on making it something no one has really read before.
2. What inspired you to write your book (placed)?
that's a good question. I wrote another one a few years back and when I was finished with that one, as usual, I wasn't really happy with it. So I used a lot of those elements and just wanted to write something better. And then the more I wrote, the more into it I got. Now, it's -the- book I'm most proud of.
3. How many books have you written, including the ones you have not completed?
uff, that's hard to answer. loads! ones I've finished: five. I have about six or seven that I started but never finished.
4. What inspired/inspires you to write?
a lot of things. I can be inspired by dreams, by already existing stories, by conversations I had with friends and/or family. It's hard to narrow it down.
5. What was the first thing that drove you to start writing?
back in fourth grade we had this paper that we had to write. we had to invent some kind of story and I scored best from my whole class. ever since, I've been writing.
7. Do you get writer's block frequently? If so, what do you do to combat it?
I do, actually. there are times where I can't write for months. what I try to do then is either read a book I know I'll like or watch a movie that has a good, deep storyline. if none of that inspires me (which it usually does, though) I also just talk to my friends and family about what I've already written. I get new ideas talking to them and then I'm automatically inspired to go and write them down!
9. Does your writing reflect your own thoughts intimately, or are you detached to some extent?
my writing reflects a big part of who I am and what I think. my favourite characters all have traits that I either value or would love to have. but I also try to make them flawed, else they wouldn't be very realistic. and those flaws too are some that I have myself or that friends and family members have.
10. What was the name of your first work?
Dark Angels
12. What dynamic advice would you give to other authors?
to be passionate about what they're writing. a reader can usually tell if it's just written for fun and entertainment or if it's really something the author pours their heart into. and always aim to be better. if you're not happy with it, make it into something you're proud of. never give up even if you're not motivated at first. if you stick with it, it'll be worth it.
13. At what time are you usually more productive? Why so?
when it's raining. I usually have headaches when it's hot out and there's no wind - when it rains, the temperatures usually drop and my mind feels at ease. I love the calming sound of rain drops drizzling against the windows. I also love writing when the sun is shining in spring but there's still a refreshing breeze. as soon as I feel at ease, my imagination can run free, and that's when I'm most productive.
14. What would you like to say to your readers as a token of appreciation for reading your book?
I want them to know that I appreciate every single sign of support. a view, a vote, a comment. it's always very important to me to see what people are thinking and feeling when they are reading my words. I want to evoke feelings, want to make readers really think about what's going on. without anyone to appreciate my work, it would be a lot harder to continue writing it. but since it's my passion, I'll always be writing -something-. The Ancients is only as good as it is because of its readers.
16. What do you like the most about writing? Why do you like it?
I like that you can write down everything you feel, which is ultimately also the reason I like it so much. I can write down what I see, what I hear, what I feel. and I can make someone else feel like I do if I use the right words in the right places. it's an art if mastered and can be incredibly freeing.
20. What are your hobbies, besides writing? Why are they so?
I love photography. I enjoy making pictures of my surroundings. I love it so because it's the only way to capture a perfect moment and remember it even when our minds are too weak. They tell stories without us knowing them. They're just as valuable as all the riches and gold. For some, photos are even more valuabel than anything else.
24. What would you call good writing, and bad writing? Any examples?
the only bad writing out there comes from people who just write to get views. I can always tell when someone is writing because they're passionate about it or if they're writing because they want compliments to boost their low self-esteem. I think the intentions behind the writing is what makes good writing good or bad writing bad.
25. Give us a small description of yourself!
My name is Natalie Virginia. I'm twenty one years old and I live in Switzerland. I was born in the States, just like my mom, and have a German dad. I speak three languages fluently and love writing as much as I love mimicking different accents and dialects. I'm a tea drinker, one of those people who can eat a ton without getting fat and I rather have it rain than be 40 degrees hot. I'm fiercly loyal to those I love and intolerant to lies and schemes. I value natural beauty and honesty.
Interviewing MissFantasyy.
RandomA record of interviews for the talented winners, interviewed by the sole host of the Ace Awards.