Fourth Place in Teen Fiction, B2

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1.Q:What do you, as the writer of your works, like about your book the most?

A: I for the most part like how fast paced it is.

2.Q:What inspired/continues to inspire you to write?

A: I was mainly inspired to write because of all the ideas I have swirling around my head that I want to share.

3.Q:How long have you been writing, and what was the first thing that drove you to start writing?

A: I've been writing for almost two years and at first I was just in this mood where I had to write something and I have a lot of drafts from the early days.

4.Q:Do you get writer's block frequently? If so, what do you do to combat it?

A: I definitely have writer's block a lot, when I do I try to get my creative side active again by doing a drawing or painting and most of the time I'll have a cup of tea too.

5.Q:What advice would you give to other aspiring authors?

A : Just go for it, I know it seems scary and crazy but go for it.

6.Q:Does your writing reflect your own thoughts intimately or are you detached to some extent?

A : My writing is very much a reflection of myself, when writing I tend to make at least one of the characters like me in their personality and in some cases it's the main.

7.Q:What are your hobbies, besides writing? Why are they so?

A : My hobbies are mainly drawing, painting and playing my instrument. The first one I picked up as a coping mechanism for my depression and eventually it became a hobby and from there I started painting too, and in middle school I started taking band classes which I still do to this day and have grown to love my instrument!

Interviewing a-emotional-baritone.

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