14 1 1

We have the biggest clan. The Daru clan is made up of over 130 hyenas. 136 to be exact. I was proud of what I was born in. I thought about it happily as I made my way down the rocky slope and to the sandy clearing. I flinched as three cubs ran in front of me. "Watch were you're going."

"Sorry, Mbali." They said in unison and ran off. I huffed out a laugh and continued on my way. The camp was under a giant tree. The tree stretched far and provided shade for them. There were two dens; one for the matriarch and the beta, one for the mothers and pups. The land was covered in green grass and I saw an antelope in the distance grazing. I highly wished I could be apart of a hunting patrol for once.

The Daru clan was split up into five smaller tribes. Daru, Furaha, Sekai, Nakato, and the lowest tribe, Lesedi. I was part of Lesedi. One of the lowest ranking females right above The males...and that wasn't good.

I always dreamed of owning a tribe. Maybe even the whole clan! But I knew if I really wanted it, I wasn't doing good. My rank was so low, that I was one of the females that was last to eat. Most of the blame goes to my parents. I was born a low rank. If I was the daughter of high matriarch, Daru, I would be in her tribe and maybe be the next high matriarch, ruler of the entire clan!

But no. I was stuck here in the Lesedi tribe.

Minutes later, a fat large female strolled into the camp. Her face was stained red with blood and buffalo reeked from her. Every hyena turned to her, looking eagerly at her, their tongues out. "Lesedi. We killed a juvenile buffalo by the watering hole."

Suddenly the air was filled with laughter and hyenas rushed forward, some males stayed behind to protect the cubs. We all rushed forward, paws thundering on the ground as all 14 of us hurried to the watering hole.

Soon enough, we saw the dead buffalo, torn open by the huntresses. We all made way for the tribe matriarch, Lesedi, and the beta, Abena and the high ranking females to eat and once there was enough room, I dove into the laughing pile of hyenas. I laughed, trying to get my share but most of the buffalo was already gone.

I left the carcass, my hunger unsatisfied and padded slowly back to camp.

I was licking my blood stained muzzle when I overheard Lesedi talking to two females. Their tails were raised in pride. "...proud of your actions and you may move up to the Nakato tribe. They are located on the other side of the east plains. Safe travels and watch out for lions. Say farewell to everyone who everyone you would like."

I watched Ellone and Johari smile at each other and say by to no one as they ran away. I felt bad, thinking they were my friends.

"Mbali?" A voice startled behind me.

I yelped and turned around. Afolabi, the skinny male was standing behind me and i looked at him as he watched the two females stroll off in the distance. I knew what he was thinking. I was thinking it too: "when can I move up?"

"Can you watch the cubs for a bit?" He asked nervously.

"Can the males do it?" I groaned lazily.

"We are all asking Lesedi something at the moment. It's just for a second, Mbali, please!" He whispered.

I groaned lazily and padded to the den. It was a tunnel leading underground and I sat outside, not making a sound, hoping the cubs wouldn't notice me. Soon enough, three little noses stuck out and wagged their tails with joy and scrambled over each other to leave the den. "Hi!" They kept saying over again.

"Hello." I grunted.

"What's your name?" A small female with bright blue eyes asked.

I opened my mouth to speak but the pup named Simba answered for me. "Her name is Mbali!"

"What's her rank?" Another female demanded.

I figured Simba would answer for me, and he did. "She's in the Third Matriarch."

They looked at me with wide eyes. I thought they were shocked such a low-ranked female would come visit them but they were howling with delight. "Third Matriarch! Wow! That's the highest rank anyone has ever came to visit us, beside our mothers."

"What?" A spark of curiosity gnawed at me.

"Yeah! Only our mothers come and all the males watch us." Said the blue eyed one. "A third matriarch came to visit us!"

I hesitated. "You do realize third matriarch is the lowest rank a female can be? And we are in the lowest ranking clan? So...I'm not high ranking at all." I growled, disappointed in myself for letting me feel special.

"You're the highest ranking we've even seen!" Simba said.

"So that's pretty special." The other one smiled.

My heart leaped while I saw Afolabi return to me. "Thanks—" I walked off before I could let him finish thanking me.


My heart was racing all night. The cubs made me feel like I was at least a second matriarch. The highest was first matriarch. The lowest was third. I was in third.

I looked up at all the sleeping bodies around me. Then I looked at the sky. I wanted a higher rank now than ever. I let my head rest again, still staring at the stars. That's exactly what I am going to do.

High Matriarch (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now