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The day was gloomy, it rained hard last night and everything was wet. I woke up this morning from a hyena slipping and falling on me from the ledge above because of how slippery it was. It was going to rain later on today and I was not looking forward to it.

Bee, Iyo, Jenue, and I went hunting, choosing the field with the best zebras. We entered a shady place, where the large trees blocked the sun's hot rays. Bee gasped when she saw a very large bee hive. It was high in the tree and she frowned, studying on how to get it down.

"You like honey?" I wrinkled my muzzle. I never like they way it tasted. It tasted odd to me and was never a big fan of it.

"I love honey! How do you think I got my nickname?" She giggled and nudged Jenue over the the spot.

"I dont want to get stung!" Jenue yelped, ducking as a bee buzzed by.

"Don't worry, I'll get stung not you." She nudged her harder until she was right where she wanted her. Bee climbed in Jenue back and leaped, swatting at the hive, making it fall and we all jumped back, as bees exploded everywhere, buzzing and zipping madly, trying to see who ruined theier hard work.

Bee paid no attention but flinched every now and then from a sting but ate quickly, eating and licking the honey. " come have some!" She said with a full mouth.

Iyo wagged his tail and ate the honey, not minding the stings as much. Jenue joined later when most of the bees were gone.

"I'm going to go find us a good zebra." I said. Watching them eat honey was making he hungry.

I scanned the heard but I saw spotted brown golden fur. Hyenas! I studied them harder and a jolt came to me when I realized they were making their way over to me. I made out one of them instantly. Kuron from the gathering.

"Abali was it?" He asked, holding his tail in a happy way that made her smile.

"Mbali." I corrected politely. "Are you hunting zebras?"

"Actually hunting lions. We saw a few and wanted to gather information."

I flinched at the sound of the beast's name. "Well good luck." Was all I could say.

He laughed "thank you." He looked around. "Are you by yourself? Hunting?"

"N-no." I stammered nervously with a laugh. "My friends are back there." I pointed to the shady forest area.

Moments later, they came stumbling through the grass, covered in honey, making every possible stick and leaf to stick to them. They looked a mess. I saw one trying not to laugh at my friends and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Kuron smiled. "See you soon Mbali. I can feel it."


After going to the river to wash off, we returned to camp for the day. Ellone was on her way out and she bumped into me, making me stumble back a few steps.

"Watch were you're going." I grunted at her.

She whipped around furiously. "Who do you think you're talking to?" She snorted.

"The one who bumped into me." I stood closer to her face, looking at her in the eyes.

"Watch your tone, first matriarch." She glowed, stomping and stepping on my paw. She growled and turned away.

"Not for long..." I growled dangerously, examining my paw, hot with anger from being disrespected.

"What was that?" She turned around, hackles raised.

I raised my voice so everyone could hear. "I challenge you to fight to move up a rank." I barked loudly.

Ellone's face for a second showed fear.

"Unless you're too afraid to face me?" I smirked.

"No ones afraid of you little cub. I except." She snarled back.

A crowed was forming around us and I saw Nakato and Kura shove through to get to them. "You except?" Kira asked shocked. Nakato wagged her tail nervously and excitedly, clearly nobody had challenged in a long time.

"Y-yes." Ellone stamped a foot.

She showed confidence but under her voice was fear.

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