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The sun shone is my face and I whimpered and put a paw over my face. After a long moment I opened my eyes and saw everyone was up and already moving. I saw Abena ordering a group of first and second matriarchs to go hunt breakfast. A chill ran down my spine and I licked my fangs nervously. Before I decided what I was going to say, my paws carried me over to her. Abena was a dark grey with brown spots. She had a scar on her shoulder and as actually scary to approach.

I confidently opened my mouth "Abena, I am—"

"Mbali, third matriarch." She smiled. "I know. It is my duty to know."

I let out a nervous grunt. She was actually nicer that I expected. I felt the eyes of others staring at me, probably wondering what was a third matriarch talking to the beta for. I was wondering the same thing. "I came to ask a question."

"Go on."

"Ellone and Johari left the tribe and moved to a higher tribe. How do you do that?" I looked at my paws and avoided eye contact.

"The only way is to be in first matriarch. If you prove worthy, you can move to the next tribe, which is Nakato."

"What do you do to move to the next matriarch then?"

"Hunt, do favors for the tribe, patrol. Things that benefit the tribe." She replied evenly.

"Do you think I can move up?"

"How high?"

"Maybe me high matriarch?" I squeaked,

She was quiet for a while. "High matriarch is very hard to get to. It's hard even to get to be matriarch of a single tribe. You have to be matriarch of at least two tribes before you can rule an entire clan."

My hope drained away and apparently she could see because she rested her head in my shoulder. "Don't worry, if you really try, you'll get there."

"Can I go on a hunting party?" I asked politely.

She looked over to the group that she was talking to earlier. "Tell then I said it was ok."

I padded away after thanking her. She was extremely nice and boosted my confidence a lot. I walked over and helped in greeting. The seven heads looked at me.

I recognized the male, Jaka. He was light grey with black spots. "Who are you?"

"Mbali third matriarch. Abena said I could join your party." I held my head proudly although my legs were shaking.

"Third!?" He looked over to Abena who was staring furiously at him and he lowered his head and nodded. "Fine, don't slow us down."

The only time I go out of camp is to feed but I really got out this time. I followed al, the others and I was actually apart of something! It made me feel great.

We passed several gazelles and I wondered why but I saw the massive tan creature sitting, sitting, listening.

"What is that!?" I whispered, trying to keep my voice down. A female walked over to me.

She looked over and growled at the creature in the distance . "Have you never seen a lion before?"

I gasped. This was lion? I heard stories about the massive creature with slobbering drool and a loud road with powerful muscles and jaws that could kill you in an instant.

We avoided the herd and moved East. We saw a herd of antelope and my mouth watered.

"Do you know how to hunt?" Another hyena asked me.

"It's my first time." I admitted. "But I can figure it out."

"I like your spirit. Don't get hurt." She nudged me playfully.

"Just try to bring down one." The male from earlier said with a grunt and padded into the heard, the others following.

I kept my head low as I entered. I swallowed hard as I saw all the antelope that were sitting, got up and quickly ran away from the approaching hyenas. I knew I couldn't outrun them.

I spotted an antelope lying in the grass, clearly unaware of what was happening. This was my chance! Instincts took over as I quietly padded up to the antelope and when I was close enough, pounced on it.

The brown animal let out a wail and all the surrounding antelopes ran to the others. I heard a crack as the antelope's thin hind leg broke as it tried to jump over me. It couldn't get away with three legs. My jaws clutched it's flank but the antelope bucked and I lost my grip. I dove for the throat and was stunned as I was knocked backwards by sharp horns. I barked and lunged at the throat again and this time successfully locking my jaws, I felt warm blood fill my mouth as the antelope fell. I heard laughs from my partners as the ran over to help. The antelope kicked helplessly as the hyenas started eating it alive. I pushed others out of the way and ate straight into the belly, the antelope eventually stopped moving.

"That was an amazing kill!" A hyena praised, backing down from eating his share. The others congratulated me for learning so quickly.

"Who wants to drag it?" Someone asked.

"I can if you want." I offered.

She shook her head, "you killed it so you don't have to do it."

We returned to the tribe, eyes staring at us hungrily. "Mbali killed an antelope. We carried it to the edge of the plains." A female said and the air was filled with laughter again and bodies rushed forward, knocking into each other to go reach the food.

The food that I caught.

Pride swelled in my belly and for the first time, my was my hunger was satisfied.

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