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"It's going to be hard to move up you know. Almost every hyena knows how to fight." The sun was setting and Iyo took her to another field.

"Wake up!" A hard nudge in the shoulder woke me up.

I opened my eyes sleepily and saw Iyo's purple eyes gleaming in the early dawn light. The sun was barley up and I sat up. "I don't want to train right now." I mumbled and plopped my head back down.

"Get up!" He nudged me harder and I leaped to my paws instantly.

"Why do we have to train—" he cut me off looking at all the sleeping hyenas around me nobody was awake.

"Shush." He whispered. "Follow me." He leaped over a sleeping hyena and we slowly moved our way put the trench. Bee and Jenue was waiting for us at the entrance also Iyo's brother who was in third matriarch.

Iyo lead the small patrol further than I've been in my life. We crossed a valley, watching for predators. The only threat was a cheetah but she left us alone. By the time we got to our destination, the sun was almost high in the sky.

"Why are we here?" I wondered outloud.

"You'll see," Iyo's brother said.

I looked at him curiously. "What's your name?"

"Beetle." He replied cheerfully. Beetle looked exactly like Abena just larger. I felt bad for Abena and honestly missed her.

They all sat down and the earth seemed to shake a little. Then the rumbling got louder and louder. There were massive grey mammals stomping majestically across the savanna. I'd never seen anything like it. It took away my breath as I leaned forward, watching the mighty creatures pass. I spotted a tiny one and saw it hold its mother's tail.

"Those are elephants." Iyo whispered into my ear. I only heard about elephants in stories. I never thought I'd see them in real life.

All I could do was just stare at them.

"Abena would take us every once in a while to see this. But she's gone now..." he stuttered.

I looked at him surprised. "You're acting like she's dead. She's not!"

He looked at me nervously but with a spark of hope.

"Let's go visit Lesedi. Just me and you today." I whispered.

"And Beetle?"

I nodded.

Time rolled by and I finally saw all the elephants. Iyo told Bee and Jenue to go and Beetle to come. Together, the three of us traveled to Lesedi. The sun was setting by the time we got there. Many heads turned and hyenas stared and many memories came flooding back. The familiar faces perked up when they saw me.

I spotted Abena laying down in the shade and she froze when she saw us. I walked over to her, Beetle and Iyo following, heads and tails low.

"Abena," I started, lost on words.

She stared straight past me and at her sons. Tears were in her eyes and her gaze did not tear away.

"Iyo, Beetle..." she was lost on words too.

"Mother," Beetle dipped his head.

Abena leaped from the rock and licked her two cubs roughly with the same amount of love for each. "It's been years!" She let out a whimper, burring her chest in Iyo's chest. Iyo and Beetle's tail was wagging quickly with happiness and I turned around and saw eyes staring at them.

I spotted Simba, sitting with a pure white hyena her nose was pink and her grey eyes stared at us. I remember seeing this cub before. She was just a new born then. Now she was bigger, and I wondered how long it was since I left.

I padded over to Simba and touched his nose, glancing at the odd hyena. I nodded her way and she shielded her face, clearly embarrassed.

"I be right back." Simba nudged her shoulder and leaped up and trotted over to a corner, jerking his head for me to follow. I followed him and lowered my head to meet his eyes. It wasn't too low—he'd grown so much. His face lit up excitedly. "How is the tribe?! You're so lucky!" His tail wagged excitedly.

"It's great." I laughed. "How are you?"

He smiled brightly. "That over there is my friend." His voice dropped low and I could tell he was serious "her name is Dove and she has albinism." He paused before continuing. "Albinos don't do so well...and Lesedi wanted her mother to kill her. I intervened and told her not to."

I admired his strength greatly and I looked over at dove who didn't take his eyes off them—off Simba.

"Awww, well look who has a crush." She nudged him playfully.

He puffed out his chest. "Excuse me but I do not!" He barked back, glancing nervously around. They both stopped laughing. "But I can't..."

I tilted my head.

"I moved up to third...she's in first..." he looked down sadly.

I never been so elated and depressed for another hyena in my entire life. I felt so bad for him. I looked at him in his eyes. "The choice is yours. Be careful, Simba."

He nodded and ran off to join Dove a again.

I turned around and came face to face with Jaka. I had many emotions run through me at once, curiousness, happiness, dread. His ears were perked and he looked very happy to see me. "Hello, Mbali."

"H-hi." I forced a smile, trying to work out my emotions. "How are you, Jaka?"

He opened his mouth to speak but Iyo and Beetle ran up to them. "Ready to go, Mbali?" Iyo asked. Jaka growled at him but not loud enough for him to hear. Beetle heard but ignored him-for he was ranks lower than himself.

"Yes." I actually desperately wanted to get out of this place. It was bringing back so much memories that I didn't want to rethink.

We all turned to go, but I turned and saw Jaka staring at his paws and the dirt, the sun glowing red over them all. "Why don't you come join Nakato? You're third matriarch." I asked curiously.

He barked angrily. "You and your mate don't need to march in here and tell me what to do! I know that I am and I can do what I want!" He howled furiously.

Anger gnawed at me and I scrapped my claws on the ground. That was the only thing holding me back for attacking him. "I just asked a question." I said politely.

"No, you came to rub it in!" He snapped.

I launched forward, seized his scruff, and swung with all my might, and stood over him after he tumbled in the dirt.

I wasn't aware of what was happening until I heard laughter fill the sky and barks of disbelief. I saw Simba and Dove stare curiously and horrified at us and I saw my mother's mortified face, I looked down and growled. "We both know why you didnt want to join. Your pride is what got in the way, you didn't want to start over. You—" Iyo nudged her away from Jaka, laying on the ground, shocked and traumatized.

"What is your problem! Let's go!" He growled.

I took one last look around the camp. The stared after us. They couldn't attack me, because I was a higher rank than them. I was a higher rank than everyone. So there was nothing they could do.

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