Chapter 21

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My head felt heavy and hurt very so badly. I tried lifting it but it pounded against my skull.

"Ah, your awake." His voice making my head pound more and making me wince.

"Sorry," He whispered. My eyes fluttered open and I found myself in a room I couldn't remember. I sat up but he nudged me back down.

"Easy, easy. You'll hurt yourself." Once I looked down, I screamed as loud as I can once I saw my leg bent in a very strange position. Then dramatic tears came down the sides of my face.

"W-what happened," My voice was hoarse and breaking.

"Long story short. You got into a little car accident." I sniffed.

"Why am I not in the hospital," I choked. I can't stop staring at my leg and I can't believe I can't feel my foot or my leg. Scared to move my ankle or even lift my leg.

"Yeah, since I'm from a different country, I guess I'm not a legal citizen to do all of that."

"But this is an emergency!" I screamed out looking up at him and regretting looking back down at the weirdly shaped leg.

He sat there feeling as guilty as I could make him feel and wiped my tears and tried to move my legs slowly off the bed I was laying on. I stood up wincing from the shocking pain in both legs.  "Where's the hospital from here." He stood up and helped me before I could fall back down.

"No, girl. You can't walk a mile to the hospital. That would make your leg even worse." I ordered him to walk me downstairs.

"Do you have a car?" I ignored the stinging and prickly feeling in my right foot, the foot attached to the broken-out shaped leg. He lifted my legs and carried me to a dusty couch. I could care less about the webs being in my face. I stared down at my leg. My mouth quivering. What if the hospital backfires and never fixes my leg. What if I walk to school like this. What will the guys say about my leg being out-shaped? Most of all, what will my parents say about my absence? He opened the door and carried me out. He put me inside the back seat of a grey-blue car leaving my leg stretched out on the two empty leather seats.

"Keep your leg in a comfortable position." He said. He started the car and started to drive. I winced once I felt a slight sting trickle my leg. The pain was over and it came back hurting even more.

"It's hurting," I kept saying over and over again.

"We're almost there!" He shouted over my stifles. He stopped the car while the tires screeched in a horrible sound.

"Now I want you to walk all the way to the emergency area yelling for help."

"Wait what." In my confused state, he opened the door. He helped me up and acted like he didn't know me, leaving me shivering and leaning on a nearby pole. He closed the door and looked around the still dark evening and did a U-turn into a parking spot across the street. Warm tears ran down my cheek and I watched the car. I heard someone gasp.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay do you need help?" Some older lady stopped and held me by the shoulders. I nodded slowly and I began crying from the unwanted pain.

"I'll take you to the hospital, what is your name and how old are you?" She asked me a bunch of personal questions that I couldn't remember. She wrapped my arm around her shoulder and lifted me so that I wasn't that much walking on my right leg. She rushed me as fast as she could through the emergency doors and called for help. Male nurses in white lab coats ran over towards me, one had a hospital bed. They lifted me up all at once and lay me down on an uncomfortable bed.

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