Chapter 4

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{Sunday Morning 6:30 am}
Luke's POV
Caroline honey, wake up. She wouldn't budge. So I kissed her. She woke up immediately. "Come on get up. We are taking a trip to Leesburg, Georgia. You're gonna meet my mama." "Ugh why this early?" "Because it takes 3 hours to get there, and if we get there in time we can go to church with mama." "Okay fine, but I'm sleeping on the way." "Okay. Just get up and get ready."
{30 minutes later}
We were in my truck headed to Leesburg. Classes don't start until Thursday so we are going to stay for 4 days including today. We will be driving back to Statesboro on Wednesday. Caroline had her feet propped up, with her headphones in, asleep. She looks so gorgeous when she's sleeping. Hell she looks gorgeous all the time.
{2 1/2 hours later}
We are just about there. We have about 30 to 45 minutes to go. I heard rustling so I looked over and Caroline was starting to wake up. "We'll good morning sleepy head. You kept me a lot of company while I was driving." "Good morning. Sorry I was really tired." "It's fine. I just talked to mama she said she was gonna start cooking breakfast in about 20 minutes so we can eat when we get there, and Kelly's gonna bring Jordan and Kris over so we can see them." "Okay. But Luke what if they don't like me?" "Darling don't worry about it they'll love you." "Okay whatever you say. "
{45 minutes later}
We pulled into the driveway to mamas house, and I parked the truck. I got out and went and opened Caroline's door for her and helped her out. We walked up to the door and knocked. Mama came to answer. Kelly was in the living room with Jordan and Kris. "Luke y'all finally made it. Well come on in." She stopped and gave Caroline a hug. "Thomas Luther Bryan, don't you think you need to introduce us?" Mama said. Oh no she used my full name great. I could tell my cheeks were really red.

Caroline's POV
"Thomas Luther Bryan, don't you think you need to introduce us?" His mama said. I almost started busting out laughing. But I didn't. I looked over at Luke and his cheeks were really red. You could tell he was embarrassed. "Yes mama. Caroline this is my mom LeClaire. Mama this is my girlfriend Caroline." He said. "Nice to meet you ma'am." "Oh please call me mama LeClaire." "Okay mama LeClaire." "Uncle Luke!!!!!!" Jordan and Kris yell as they came up behind him and gave him a hug. "Hey girls. What's up?" As Jordan and Kris were talking to him, I zoned out thinking about how good of a daddy he would be. He looked so happy with kids. "Uncle Luke who's this?" Jordan asked. "This is my girlfriend Caroline." They both ran up and gave me a hug. Kelly came up to me and hugged me while saying, "I'm glad my brother finally found someone that makes him happy. I can tell he's really happy with you Caroline. Thank you for making him happy." "Well he makes me very happy and I'm glad I can make him happy as well." "Caroline, Luke, Kelly, Kris, Jordan y'all come in here and eat." LeClaire said motioning for us to come into the kitchen. We all made our way to the kitchen table and sat down. Luke sat down beside me then it was Kris, Kelly, LeClaire and Jordan on the other side of Luke. We sat there and ate until we all got full. Luke went to get our bags, while LeClaire showed me his room. I looked at all of his baby pictures hanging up. He was so adorable. LeClaire left to go back down stairs her and Kelly were going to the store so they asked me and Luke if we would watch the girls for them while they were gone. Of course we said yes. After LeClaire and Kelly left, we went to the game room that had all the games in it. We played the games until Kelly and LeClaire got back. Kelly dropped LeClaire off and got the girls. They did not want to go home. So Luke and I promised we would come and get them tomorrow and take them to 'All American Fun Park'.
{10:30 pm}
Caroline's POV
Luke took me and LeClaire out to eat tonight. We stopped and rented some movies so we could go home and watch them. Luke picked a scary one and I'm definitely not watching that one. I picked of course, The Notebook & The Vow. We got the movies and headed home. LeClaire went ahead and went to bed because she has to work tomorrow. We stayed down in e living room so we could watch the movies. "What movie do you want to watch?" "I don't care you pick not that stupid scary movie though." "Okay."
Luke's POV
I put in the scary movie because I knew if I did she would cuddle with me. Caroline looked up at the tv, "No. Luke I'm not watching this." Caroline says as she gets up and starts to walk towards the stairs, but before she could get to far I grabbed her arm and begged her. "Please Babe we can watch The Vow after this." "Fine but my face will be in your shirt have the time. I don't like scary movies at ALL!" "Okay. I like cuddling." I said while raising his eyebrows up and down.
{12:45 am}
Caroline fell asleep while watching the movie. As I was carrying her up the stairs she woke up. I sat her on the bed while we both changed. I threw her my t-shirt and crawled into bed. "Goodnight Babe. I love you." I said has I kissed her. "Goodnight. I love you to Thomas Luther Bryan." Oh no she did not just use my full name. I started tickling her. "Luke....stop....please." She said in between laughs. "Don't use my full name and I will." "Okay....I'm....sorry...." She said again in between laughs. I quit tickling her and we fell asleep tangled up.

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