Chapter 5

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{9:30 am}
Luke's POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Being the sucker for bacon that I am, I jumped out of bed and ran down stairs. I almost ran into the wall when I turned the corner. As I rounded the corner I looked up and saw a beautiful blonde headed girl cooking breakfast. Caroline looked so cute cooking breakfast, and dancing around to the beat of music coming from the playlist on her phone. She hadn't notice that I walked in so I snuck up behind her. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her close to me. She jumped and squealed. "Caroline baby relax, it's just me." I said while laughing. "Thomas Luther you scared the shit out of me. Not cool." I tried to take a piece of bacon from the plate but she slapped my hand away. "Ouch. Your feisty this morning." "Well you shouldn't have scared me." I turned her around to where she was facing me, and stared into her eyes. "Caroline Cynthia Boyer, I love you so much." "I love you to. Now get out of here so I can finish up breakfast." "Okay. I'm gonna go take a quick shower and get dressed, don't forget we have to pick Jordan and Kris up at 11:30." "Okay I won't. Save some of the hot water for me, don't use all of it." "You know to save hot water we could shower together." I said smirking. "I think not. Luke we've only been dating for a couple of days." "Fine. I'm going to take a shower."

{45 minutes later}
Luke and I finished breakfast and now I'm going to take a shower. "Luke I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back in a bit." "Okay babe I'll be down here watching tv." I walked up the stairs and went to the bathroom. I got into the shower and washed my hair, and my body. I just got done shaving my legs. I was about to start shaving my underarms when a big bucket of cold water came down on me. "THOMAS LUTHER BRYAN. WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? THAT'S WAS COLD! GET OUT OF HERE YOU JACKASS." I can not believe he just did that. I finished shaving my under arms and turned off the water. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. Since he dumped cold water on me, I'm going to taunt him with me just wearing a towel. I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Luke was laying on the bed flipping through the tv channels. I purposely walked in front of the TV and stood there for a while getting my shorts out of the drawer. He stood up of the bed and came over to me trying to give me a hug. "Babe I'm sorry about the cold water." "No Luke. Back away your not getting a hug from me." I dropped my shorts on purpose and bent over right in front of Luke to pick them up. Luke's mouth dropped. "I can't believe you're doing this to me right now." I just laughed and walked back into the bathroom to blow dry my hair and get dressed. I put on a little make up. I was wearing an orangish tank top with jean shorts and my boots. I also straightened my hair. Now I was all ready. I went out to the bedroom thinking that he was in there but he wasn't. I went down stairs and looked around for him but he was no where. I looked outside and saw that his truck was gone. Wow. I can't believe he would just leave me so I texted him.
To Luke😘😛💘:
Thanks for leaving me. 😒 Don't worry about coming back to get me, I'll just stay here.
From Luke😘😛💘:
Babe I just went to get Kris and Jordan. Why are you mad? I can tell you're upset.
To Luke😘😛💘:
Why am I mad!? Luke you left me here without telling me where you were going. I was gonna go with you to pick the girls up but you went with out me. Go have a day to yourself with Jordan and Kris. I'm just gonna stay here at the house.
From Luke😘😛💘:
I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. No, that wasn't the plan you are coming with us! You are not staying at the house.
To Luke😘😛💘:
No. Go have a day with the girls. Just you and them. I'll be fine at the house.
I may be over exaggerating but wouldn't you be mad if your boyfriend left you at the house alone, when he didn't tell you where he was going!? I shut and locked the bedroom door and crawled back into bed. About 10 minutes later I hear a knock on the door. "Go away." I said sniffling to the person on the other side of the door. "Babe get your ass up and open this door right now." "No. Go away Luke." "I will not go away, now open this door or I'll bust it down." I get up and walk to the door unlocking it and walked back to the bed. Before I got the chance to lay dow Luke picked me up over his shoulder with my butt in the air. "Thomas Luther put me down right this minute!" I yelled as he started walking down the stairs. "No the deal was you were coming with us. The girls want you too." "Fine I'm only going for the girls not you, now put me down NOW!" "Fine. Be that way then." He put me down and I put my boots on grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out the door. The girls were still in the truck. I hopped up into the front seat and scooted as close to the door as I possibly could. Luke climbed in, started the tuck and began driving. The girls had their headphones in listening to music. Luke didn't say a word the whole ride to the fun park. As we pulled up I wiped my tears. This was our first fight. You could still tell that I had been crying. The girls hopped out and came over to me "Aunt Caroline what's wrong?" Kris said. Dang it. She saw that I was crying. "Nothing sweetie, go ahead and head on up to the entrance." Luke came to the front of the truck and he saw that I was crying. He immediately came up to me and embraced me in a hug. "Caroline I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Baby, I'm so sorry." "Luke, you didn't tell me where you were going. I was left by myself, not that I can't handle being on my own, but it's the fact that you didn't tell me where you were going. And PLUS you didn't talk to me the whole ride here. Luke that heart." "I'm sorry babe. I really am. I love you so much Caroline." "It's fine but Luke, don't do it again or you will regret it." "I won't I promise. Did you hear what Kris said though?" "What?" "She said 'Aunt Caroline'. She must really think we are perfect for each other. " "Well I have to agree with her. We are perfect for each other." I said with a wink. "I agree with her to." He said as he kissed me. "I love you Caroline." "I love you to Luther." "Oh your gonna pay for that later baby." "Ohhhh I'm so scared."
{7 hours later}
Luke's POV
We our on our way to drop the girls off at their house. We had a fun time today. It was great spending time with them. I pulled into the drive way at Kelly's house. We took the girls inside and made our way back out to the truck. "Caroline baby, do you mind driving? I'm super tired." "No I don't give me the keys." I wasn't actually tired I was just gonna torture her. Paybacks a bitch. 😏 we got in the truck and headed back to mamas. About halfway there I lifted up the console and slid over to the middle seat. I put my hand on her thigh and looked at her. Didn't phase her. I leaned down and started to kiss her neck. "Luke I'm trying to drive, please stop." I just continued doing it her. "Luke I'm serious stop." She said as we pulled into the drive way. "Fine." We walked into the house and went to bed.

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